United Nations, July 26 (Prensa Latina) Colombian Vice President Oscar Naranjo badured the United Nations Thursday that protecting social leaders and replacing illicit cultures of drug traffickers are two important challenges for the peace process . 19659002] Before attending the Security Council session on his country, he spoke to the press about the future challenges of this process, which he believes has a solid foundation.
We must guarantee a strengthened and invigorated reconciliation agenda that is one of the key factors for peacebuilding, he said.
He also called for protecting the lives of social leaders: we are now in a great contradiction because the lowest homicide rate has been recorded for 42 years. we see at the same time how social leaders are murdered.
According to Naranjo, it is only through a model of transitional justice and a social citizen movement that they can be healed. Definitively, the wounds of the conflict.
In addition, he added, Colombia "has a historic challenge, which has really been a nightmare for us, which is to overcome the problem of drug trafficking."
Juan Manuel Santos is close to concluding his term on August 7 and will leave a process of implementing agreements on solid foundations, with more than a hundred accelerated standards, considered.
On this subject, there are 44 laws pbaded by the Colombian Congress, There have been six legislative acts that have modified the Constitution, and there are more than fifty decrees, which mark a legal solidity in the law. implementation of the agreements, Naranjo added.
He also thanked the efforts of the UN and the Security Council to move forward in the peace process.
20 months after the signing of the agreement, the process of surrender of arms by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colo mbia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP), he said.
This organization, which has been in arms for more than 50 years, is now a political party that participates with 10 seats in Congress, which began to occupy 20 last July, detailed the Colombian Vice President
After the signing of the peace in November 2016 – after about four years of talks in the Cuban capital – the Security Council gave the go-ahead to a termination verification mission In conclusion, a second mission was approved at the request of the Colombian government, to follow the process of reintegrating FARC-EP into society. and the development of protection and security measures, which is currently maintained.