Radio Maboas – The union of public administration goes more


Category: Amancio

  The Union of Public Administration goes for more width = The Union of Public Administration goes further

Every 4th of July is celebrated in the country the day of the worker of the Public Administration, which gathers in the municipality of 39 Amancio 35 union sections, including two non-state.

On this occasion, these working groups are not only engaged in the development of their day, they combine the proposed tasks to greet the July 26, with important objectives fulfilled.

We must emphasize the accomplishment of the delivery of finances and contribution on the day of the homeland, task that works favorably, because in agreement with the members of this union, it was decided to make a brief increase of this contribution, taking into account the importance

The activities for the Day of the National Rebellion coincide with those of the new union anniversary of this union where political acts, a special morning, volunteer work, as well as the remodeling and ambientación of the work centers

This 4 of July the members of the union of the public administration emphasize achievements such as the granting of 6 plates 21 Congress of the Central Workers of Cuba, where entities such as BANDEC deserved such distinction.

This award was also presented to the CTC headquarters in the municipality, taking into account the results posted during the stage.

Other companies, agencies and local entities such as the Directorate of Justice, the Society of Safety and Protection, the Association of Small Farmers and others maintain a good rhythm in their benefits and in the achievement of actions aimed at health on the day of public administration and July 26 with superior results in its management and performance.

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