Immortalized very quickly, after his death, thanks to the novel by Guillermo Cabrera Infante Very sad tigers initially titled She sang boleros Freddy was one of the main characters of This night Havana and bohemian described by the famous novelist.
Established in 1958, Very Tiger Tigers was described as counterrevolutionary and its author was expelled from the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists and described as a traitor. At this point, the mythological Freddy had also emigrated, so that in Cuba in the seventies and eighties the singer was obliterated from the Cuban cultural memory. And then it appeared slowly, as the ban was lifted for Cuban emigrant artists
On July 28, an inspiring radio docudrama was announced on Radio Progreso, at 12:30 pm in the afternoon. in the life of Cuban singer Freddy, or rather, Fredesvinda García Herrera. The docudrama told by characters is titled They say I'm a star who takes this phrase from one of Freddy's most famous songs and with the participation of singers Yaima Sáez and Simmone Rice who recreate moments in the life of the artist. There is also actor Dever Rosales, in the role of the employer who helped her in her dream of becoming a singer.
The docudrama is the thesis of Alejandro Miranda, a graduate in management at the Faculty of Art Audiovisual Media (FAMCA) this year, and demonstrates the interest of young creators to find a cultural memory sometimes ignored. by official propaganda.
Born in Camagüey, in 1935, and died of a heart attack San Juan of Puerto Rico, on July 31, 1961, Freddy began to be very famous in Cuba – despite being black, little attractive and weighing about three hundred pounds – by the time he decided to emigrate to Isla del Encanto, after a successful tour to Venezuela, Mexico and Miami.
Since 1948, Freddy was in Havana and was working as a domestic servant until his employer heard him sing one day. Throughout the fifties, he frequented the bar Celeste, where he played a capela, with his voice contralto, some of the great boleros of the time.
The first opportunity to present himself before a more informed public, took place in 1959, as part of the magazine Pepper and Salt in the cabaret of Capri, where he sang two of his versions the most famous: The man I loved and Tour Night . These two, along with I Mourned are the triad of the best-known songs in the short repertoire recorded by the artist.
In 1960, she acted on television, in the famous Jueves de Partagás ] with Benny Moré and Celia Cruz and that same year, he appeared again in Capri in the frame magazine Ajiaco a la francesa and recorded for the Puchito label, the only recording of his Carrera, Freddy, that many years later, the young people would exchange as a newly discovered treasure of Cuban music.
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