Rafael Amaya has a rare disease


Mexico City, Mexico

After the surprising tower of the narco series The Lord of the Heavens when the main character Aurelio Casillas played by ] Rafael Amaya fell into a coma, an actress of the cast revealed what is the disease of the protagonist who forced the production to make the radical change in the plot.

Dayana Garroz playing The Coronela in the series, talked about the illness that forced his partner to retire momentarily from the sixth season of the series.

By a Facebook Live Garroz said that Amaya contracted a rare disease caused by the inhalation of guano bats ( excrement) adding that the rest of the team was also sick

"We had some sickness access the places that were we recorded … We went to an ex-convent, whatever something a bit distant from here Mexico City and yes we were breathing obviously, we inhaled a lot of dust, dirt from the ground and these were caves full of bats I did not know not this disease, the guano, and then we all became ill. "

The disease of which the actress speaks is Pulmonary Histoplasmosis caused by inhalation of fungal spores Histoplasma capsulatum this fungus reaches the soil mainly through s the droppings of birds and bats.

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Not all bodies react the same way and for Amaya it was stronger.

"We had a little trouble, especially Rafa and I at one point, but he hit it a lot more … Fortunately, the Mexican actor has recovered favorably, as Dayana has confirmed:" Rafa is fine, I do not want to worry, Rafa is fine, he badured me much better every day. 19659006] The actress badured that the absence of Rafael in the series is just to give him time to recover: "just take the time to recover, to be 100% and d & # 39; to be as healthy as possible for you. "

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