Raúl Castro: "Our people will defend their socialist revolution forever"


HAVANA. Sixty-five years after the aggression perpetrated by young Fidel Castro against the second military fortress of the Government of Fulgencio Batista in Santiago de Cuba, one of the few survivors, Raúl Castro (88), first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, he was in charge of closing the commemorative act where he warned against the continuity of the revolution in times when "the siege is narrowing. Our people must be alert and prepared. "

For about 40 minutes, in an act that began just at the time of the attack, at 5:10 in the morning, and with the presence of about 10,000 guests, Raúl He recalled the exploiting and doing a review of national issues, Latin America and relations with the United States, which he considered "having degraded bilateral ties, the blockade has intensified" [19659003thepopularconsultationtowhichthedraftConstitutionwillbesubmittedanddescribedasa"transcendentalpoliticalanddemocraticexercise"aswellastheneedforeachcitizento"understandtheneedforchange"

Latin America has confirmed its support to Venezuela and Nicaragua, as well as its congratulations to the new President of Mexico, Manuel López Obrador, outside the text, he badured that if the former Brazilian President Lula da Silva had to go to the elections now he would win at first round.

Raúl, who said goodbye with a "until the next", announced that he would speak again in the Act for the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the revolution in January 1959

Progreso Weekly will be sending the full text of his speech to his readers as soon as the transcript becomes available.

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