Recognize Villa Clara entities as national vanguard


Twenty-six entities of Villa Clara have been awarded National Vanguard status for the results achieved in their management.

The sectors of food and fishing, communications, industry, transport and port, energy and mining, sugar and agricultural construction are represented. , forestry and tobacco.

In this group are distinguished the INIVIT, with 23 consecutive years with this condition; and the Combinado Cubanacán "Benito Ramírez", of Camajuaní, with 35 lauros.

In acts to receive the condition the best workers and the zones are stimulated, as well as the productive engagements are exposed to maintain the achieved goals.

Among these are the Salamina slaughterhouse, the territorial division DESOF, the mechanical factory, the transport safety agency, the rocket factory and GEYSEL, the zeolite, the company of recovery of the raw materials, the polygraph and the graphic arts. Metalconf, Downtown Trucks, the "Oscar Carvajal" bottling plant, Labiofam, the Twisted Tobacco service company, Villa Clara Taxis, the Ecoing 25, the Construction Equipment Center, l & # 39; Abel Santamaría airport, the El Purio quarry and the Etica quarry.

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