Regulation, work of Pacific Alliance partners


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Nearly a year ago took a Mexican business of processed foods to obtain the certificate that would open the doors to start exports to Colombia, a member of the Pacific Alliance, whose Mexico, Chile and Peru are also partners. 19659002] The problem was not presented only with this signature, the regulations are one of the difficulties that entrepreneurs of the four partner countries of the alliance face regularly, said the director general of the Mexican Council of Foreign Trade (Comce), Fernando Ruiz Huarte

Although, as of May 1, 2016, there are no tariffs for 92% of the products that are clbadified in said tariff fractions, the The obtaining of certificates delays the results of this agreement.

The protectionist policies of the United States, Mexico's trading partner, the president of the Asia-Pacific section of the Comco, Sergio Ley López, explained that we must work because The block is an example of integration .

"The Pacific Alliance is an excellent instrument of integration because it integrates economies from the business point of view, which attempts to incorporate more savings to give freedom of movement. transit to professionals, among other benefits ".

Today and tomorrow will be the meeting of the leaders of the Pacific Alliance, which will be reached with not very good commercial results.

The Pacific Alliance figures show that since 2015 exports Despite the coming into force of the Framework Agreement that year, they began eliminating taxes at the beginning of the year. Import or customs duties for the free movement of industrial and agricultural products.

exports between these countries added 19 thousand 261 million dollars, a year later, it dropped to 16 thousand 223 million. In 2016, it fell again to 14,567 million and in 2017, it rose to 15,902 million.

Ruiz Huarte explained that the respect of the regulations between the countries of the alliance is complicated and therefore the business sector works with the Mexican government

For example, the process is complicated to obtain the certificates of free sale, which are necessary to market processed food products in Colombia.

"The process is very complicated, if you are going to sell it In Colombia, the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) asks the health agency of this country to send a technician To visit the Mexican company.Once returning to Colombia, they report that they have examined the factory and that they are in agreement with the process, determine if it complies with the regulations and can grant a certificate of free sale, "explained Ruiz

.This process takes months or even more than a year.Therefore," the private sector announced that it was going to enter the question, because regulation becomes an obstacle. "

Value Chains Just as there are difficulties that hinder export, there are also examples of value chain creation.

Chile supplies Colombia with change boxes t of car, export cables, conductors, cables for spark plugs. and other auto parts in Mexico and Peru. In addition Colombians are exporting trucks to Mexico, Chile and Peru, according to figures from the current presidency of the Pro Tempore Pacific Alliance, in the hands of Colombia.

Ruiz explained that in cosmetics could speed up the delivery of permits and certified and now the creams for the body and the lips are exported.

"We see how we are removing barriers to market access, how we support education, the infrastructure issue so that countries can trade more."

the proposal that the development banks of each country work on guarantee schemes, that is to say that they pay the bills to the exporters, and therefore that they give the liquidity to the company, so that a few months later they charge the buyer company, This would be a kind of credit.

ProMexico claimed that Monday, 23 and Tuesday 24, there will be a summit of leaders of the Pacific Alliance, in which will participate 56 ministers of state. and candidates for badociate states, such as Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia, among other government representatives from the four partner countries.

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