Rehabilitating leisure spaces in Cienfuegos | Perlavision


  Rehabilitate recreational spaces in Cienfuegos

Rehabilitate recreational spaces in Cienfuegos

– July 9, 2018

Several works for the enjoyment of the city are about to be concluded in the city of Cienfuegos, as part of a constructive program the improvement and rescue of recreational areas.

In this sense, we recover one of the most attractive multipurpose centers of La Perla del Sur: El Caribe Club. For six months, the workers of a non-state brigade work here, who up to the stage intervened all the equipment and put the finishing touches to the building. Meanwhile, the design of the site is defined by the capital company Crea Entorno.

By rehabilitating all the spaces that the Caribbean had, the options for the enjoyment of the city will be expanded. Allegated Rosendo Alomá, director of Club El Caribe, that "areas such as the terrace for the sale of beer dispensed, a cafeteria, nightclub, reserved and grilled in currency that will be located on the second floor" are saved.

In part, the environment of the Laguna del Cura Recreation Complex is transformed. And although access to the beach is currently banned due to the toxic effect of algae in this area of ​​the coast, the conditions for the diversification of services are created throughout the resort.

Yusimí Figueredo, administrator of the establishment, explained that the actions are almost completed to start the services on July 15th. Electricity work is complete to illuminate the entire beach so people can stay up late at night, anywhere in these places.

<img data-attachment-id = "21909" data-orig-file = " .04_2018.07.09_12.18.23.jpg "data-orig-size =" 720,480 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"opening": "0", "credit": "" , "camera": "", "caption": "", "created_timestamp": "0", "copyright": "", "focal_length": "0", "iso": "0", "shutter_speed": "0", "title": "", "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" El CAribe Club "data-image-description ="

El CAribe Club

"data-image-description medium-file = " 2018/07 / ns-maye-centros-recreativos.mpg_snapshot_00.04_2018.07.09_12.18.23-300×200.jpg" data-large- file = " .jpg" src = "http: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / ns-maye-centros-recreativos.mpg_snapshot_00.04_2018. 07.09_12.18.23.jpg "width =" 705 "height =" 470 "data-original-width =" 705 "data-original-height =" 470 "itemprop =" "title = "El CAribe Club" alt = "El CAribe Club" style = "width: 705px; height: 470px; “/>

El CAribe Club

<img data-attachment-id = "21910" data-orig-file = " maye -centros-recreativos.mpg_snapshot_00.24_2018.07.09_12.19.15.jpg "data-orig-size =" 720 480 "data-comments-open =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"opening": "0" , "credit": "", "camera": "", "caption": "", "created_timestamp": "0", "copyright": "", "focus_length": "0", "iso": " 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image-title = "El CAribe Club" data-image-description = "

The Club El CAribe

"data-medium-file =" 19.15- 300×200.jpg "data-large-file =" .jpg " src = " hot_00.24_2018.07.09_12.19.15.jpg "width =" 349 "height =" 2 33 "data-original-width =" 349 "data-original-height =" 233 "itemprop =" / image "title =" El CAribe Club "alt =" El CAribe Club "style =" width: 349px; height: 233px; “/>

El CAribe Club

  Laguna del Cura "style =" Width: 349px; height: 233px;

Laguna del Cura

Among the transformations are El Ranchón and the umbrellas adjacent to the cbad, area in which the badtail service will be offered.

Meanwhile, the La Vallita barbecue is renewed greater attention capacity, as well as the restoration of the reserved room with the appropriate furniture according to the layout that it offers and that is included in the restaurant of the place.

Cienfuegos regrets the beginning of a summer in which its coastline It represents a risk for bathers, so the guarantee of various proposals aimed at the recreation of the most diverse public, will be essential during the summer.

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