Researchers at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital discover a drug


Researchers at the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) have developed a new treatment to inhibit a gene that causes most tumors, including lung cancer, the most aggressive . In Spain, 28,645 new cases of lung cancer are detected each year and this is the most common type of cancer in the world. The treatment has been successfully tested in mice and they hope to test it during the human clinical trials phase in 2020.

The team led by Laura Soucek, researcher in the modeling group of anti-tumor therapies in mice VHIO and co-founder and executive director of Peptomyc SL, discovered a new way to attack the MYC, a key gene in the development of most tumors. Soucek began to develop his idea of ​​inhibiting this gene 20 years ago. For this, this doctor has designed Omomyc, a transgene which inhibited said protein without generating adverse effects and which has now managed to convert to a manageable drug.

Dr. Laura Soucek began 20 years ago to find ways to inhibit MYC, a key gene in the development of tumors.

As the magazine publishes & # 39; Transnational Medicine Science& # 39; In an article whose first author is Marie-Eve Beaulieu, former researcher of Soucek group and now scientific director of Peptomyc SL, have shown that Omomyc could be used as anti-Myc treatment against lung cancer non-small cell, the most aggressive and lethal subtype in women and men.

Clinical trial in humans in 2020

The searcher Soucek confirms that the drug also has the ability to recruit immune system cells into the tumor focus. According to the doctor, this effect on the immune system opens new avenues of research badociating this inhibitor of MYC with immunotherapy, a new therapeutic strategy demonstrating great potential in different tumors.

Smoking is the leading cause of most lung tumors, according to doctors.

Experts confirmed that Smoking is the leading cause of most lung cancers. The more cigarettes you smoke in a day, the more you start to eat cigarettes, the higher the risk of lung cancer. Exposure to high levels of pollution, radiation and asbestos, among others, can also increase the risk of illness, even if the person concerned does not smoke.

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