Restore cell phones in Villa Clara


Ten days after the fire that left the three central provinces without cellular coverage and affected others, like Pinar del Río, normality gradually returns to Villa Clara after the effort is made by the specialized brigades of Etecsa.

According to engineer Gustavo Montesinos Reyes, general manager of Villa Clara, it was possible to recover all the technology affected during the accident, which allowed access to the mobile network for recover a total of 12 villages in the geography of Villa Clara since Wednesday. those who are Sagua the Great, Santo Domingo, Isabela de Sagua, Quemado de Guines, Rancho Veloz, Gavilanes, Cascajal, Hanabanilla, Falcon, Baez, Ranchuelo and El Santo.

In parallel, the installation of new technology continued, a process that began 12 hours after the blackout, so since the night of Wednesday, July 4, cellular coverage in the cities has been restored. the municipal eras of Camajuaní, Manicaragua, Placetas, and in the localities of Esperanza, Vueltas, Manacas and Amaro.

The general manager of Etecsa in the territory claimed that given the urgency of restoring mobile coverage, some users suffer from unsatisfactory service In this regard, the company continues to work on adjustments and optimization of the network for the benefit of these cases.

The installation of the new technology will not only be another alternative to recover mobile network in the affected areas, but will be a step in the implementation of 3G technology in Villa Clara.

In a press release from our editorial, we inform that in the coming hours, the company will begin to make adjustments in the validity of the plans of the users who counted with these services before the fire.


About: RCM Drafting

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