Retired friendship with her ex-husband


Agencia México.- Cynthia Klitbo spoke about the relationship she currently has with Francisco Gattorno, who after being her husband in the nineties, is now rumored to have had a new chance in the world. love.

the interview that she gave to the program "From Primera Mano, the actress explained if her closeness to the Cuban exceeds the friendship, after sharing some images in the networks where they are very happy together. "

"For many years for more than 12 years, we are very good friends, and in fact he's not with me because he's in Cuba, but he's a person who was important to me in life, that I liked a lot, that before been my partner we were great friends and thank God that friendship is resumed.I am happy, i have said.

When asked if she could seize a new opportunity with Francisco, the artist clarified: "There is no time, no, we are just good friends, nothing more, the truth is that I am not interested in Right now my daughter is still an 11 year old girl, and if you realize that I have several years without having a partner, even though they want to invent.


The actors lived a strange romance during the recordings of the soap opera "The Duea, project in which they met and two years later decided to" 39, arrive at the altar.

Unfortunately their marriage lasted only a year, and in August 1998 they signed the divorce without revealing the true motive of their breakup.

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