Riad and Tel Aviv: Dangerous Convergence


Nothing strange will result from a coincidence of friendship with the United States, Israel as the spearhead of imperialism in the region and Arabia Saudi Arabia in close cooperation with the aggression against Syria

continues to encourage Donald Trump to further intensify his provocative actions against Iran, the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United States. Israel – without formally having diplomatic relations – deeply deepened their relations and also directed their derogatory work against Tehran.

The pernicious Western press already divulges that both countries feel threatened by Iran and is preparing public opinion for a possible transformation of the political map of the Middle East and the Middle East.

Nothing strange can result from a coincidence of friendship with the United States. of the spearhead of imperialism in the region and Saudi Arabia in close collaboration with the Resistance to Syria and in the front line of the genocidal war that it is waging against Yemen

The pretext of both remains the so – called Iranian threat, but behind it lies the ambition to obtain great natural resources, mainly energy, and even to increase This has been seen since the head of the country. Israel's staff, Gadi Eizenkot, told Saudi reporters that his country was willing to exchange information, even from secret services, with moderate Arab countries. He added that Iran "is the biggest threat in the region". A clear message

Also the first Zionist, Benjamin Netanyahu, referred to a reorientation of Israeli-Arab relations, to "working together for peace", although he did not specify whether this 39, was that of the tombs.

Similarly, Anwar Ashki, a retired general of the Saudi army, also spoke, while emphasizing that although bilateral relations are not official, everything points to a "thaw" .

For Ashki, the Saudi public opinion The rapprochement between the two countries The reason is obvious: "the Iranian threat is greater than the Israeli threat," said the former general. And he pointed out that in recent weeks "it is not Israel that has attacked us with rockets, but Iran, which really threatens our national security."

Everyone would think that it was an attack launched by Tehran against a territory Saudi journalists, but even Westerners, acknowledged the ridiculousness of a statement that did not mention not that it was a simple missile launched by Yemeni attacked – intercepted by the Air Force of Riyadh – when he systematically destroyed lives and the infrastructure of the nation. Poverty.

Precisely, Tel Aviv accuses the Yemeni rebels of pro-Iranians, while bombing Gaza, with the silence of the Saudi accomplice, because Hamas, the organization that leads the resistance, is also a friend of Tehran.

of the aggression against Syria, whose army carried heavy blows to terrorist groups serving Washington and Tel Aviv, the Shiite militia of Hezbollah, an ally of Iran, advanced on the Golan Heights, occupying positions very close to the border with Israel.


It is very clear in Tel Aviv that Riyadh would approve of any document on the long-running Middle East conflict in order to be able to ally with the Israelis against Iran.

The authorities of Saudi Arabia, in particular Crown Prince Mohamed Ben Salmán is ready to approve any agreement between Israelis and Palestinians in order to eliminate the main obstacle to rapprochement with Israel, a potential ally against Tehran .

Although officially Israel and Saudi Arabia, I do not even have diplomatic relations, more than ten years ago, Riad proposed an initiative to improve relations with Israel, supported by the Arab League, which calls on the Jewish state to withdraw from the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem, and just the problem of Palestinian refugees. "

The reinstatement of the pre-1967 borders continues to be the point of reference in any discussion of a peaceful agreement between Israel and the Palestinians." 39, Saudi Arabia could accept any agreement between the two parties, betraying their prior initiatives to this effect, says the Zionist intelligence.

And that's because his obsession with the # Iran, its desire to do great business with Israel and the desire to demonstrate the strength of its ties with the United States has made it very important for Saudi Arabia that it there is an agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis, to approach and have links with Israel.

As some scholars have repeated: he does not care about the agreement at which the aggressors and the aggressors arrive.

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