Ringo Starr is 78 years old


Rock gave the music to great drummers, both technical and explosive, Ringo Starr enters this select group, in addition to belonging to one of the groups that have changed the way of making and consuming music, The Beatles .

Today, as on today, July 7, 1940, he was born Richard Starkey better known as Ringo Starr.

Ringo only composed two songs in the entire catalog of the Liverpool Quartet: " Do not Pbad Me" and "The Octopus Garden" .

Credits are also awarded to him writer at "I want to be your man", "Boys", "Matchbox", "Honey Do not", "Act naturally", "Good Night", " What Goes On ", among others.

He published 18 solo albums, among which Goodnight, Vienna, Ringo Rama and Liverpool 8 .

The musician founded a group that was lama Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Group with whom he published eight albums

The group was founded in 1989 and had a large number of colleagues and friends of Ringo, with whom he left

The supergroup is composed of groups like Cream, The Who, the Grand Funk Railroad, Toto, Eagles, the band The Street, The Band, for just to name a few. , readers of the music magazine Rolling Stone chose Ringo the fifth best drummer of all time.

Many musicians extolled the technique of Ringo in the music of The Beatles as Phil Collins who mentioned that "Starr's battery in" A day in life "is extremely complex. You could take a good drummer today and say, "I want it that way. In fact, I would not know what to do. "

The Beatles 'social networks have congratulated the musician

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We share a playlist with you 19659002]



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