Russia 2018 | France vs. Croatia: two nations steeped in history to conquer the world | Trade | World | Europe


France and Croatia Two European teams with exciting stories marked by migration and an infamous war, will set Sunday in Russia that will take over Germany at the top of the game.

We then present an badysis of the fascination of history, politics and sport in the current situation of the finalists of Russia 2018 .


A nation that enjoys diversity and the children of migration

From the glorious title to the home in 1998, every Football World Cup inevitably subjects to the examination the degree of 39: identity and unity in the diversity that characterizes the […]

Twenty years ago Zinedine Zidane, Lilian Thuram, Marcel Desailly, Christian Karembeu or Thierry Henry were the names of plurality, today Kylian Mbappé, Blaise Matuidi, N ° Golo Kanté or Paul Pogba,

This last World Cup of the twentieth century delighted those who celebrated the heterogeneity and rejoiced that the French football is a mosaic of races, d & rsquo; Origins, flags, houses and values.

But three years later, in 2001, the Stade de France was the scene of a very famous incident: booing and mischief to the Marseillaise before a match between France and l & # 39, Algeria. The children of Algerian immigration were charged with the grievance.

The following year, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the right-wing politician and founder of the National Front (FN), obtained his best election result. Second round with a message loaded with a strong anti-immigration policy

In a state with a long history of colonialism and immigration, writer Abdourahman Waberi -french born in the United States. African State Djibouti told the Spanish newspaper "El France studying the national team and football clubs

" In the 1950s, there were players with Polish names. Then the Italians arrived. In the 70s and 80s, we see Italian and Spanish names. And from the 80s and 90s, we have children from postcolonial, Arab and sub-Saharan Africa, "says Waberi.

Of the team that will seek tomorrow its second world title, almost all are born on French soil. Only Samuel Umtiti (Cameroon) and Steve Mandanda (DR Congo) came to the world far from it.

– The Recipe for Success –

There is no doubt that the children of Africans (Mali, Senegal, Angola, Togo, Guinea, Algeria, Morocco, etc.) are at the base of much of the French success, even if a few years ago, Marine Le Pen – daughter of the former leader of the FN – regretted not having seen Les Bleus France and his

►4 footballers of the France team have French father and mother: Hugo Lloris, Benjamin Pavard, Olivier Giroud and Florian Thauvin

13 players have a father or mother of an African country, 3 from America and 1 from Asia

In 2015, encouraged by the recent title obtained the previous year by Germany , the German economist Wolfgang Fengler wrote an article entitled "If you like football, you should welcome immigrants s

This recipe, which establishes a strong relationship and pos itive between diversity and success, is well known in France and has already been applied in the very competitive sport.

Now we have to broaden the spectrum, as sociologist William Gasparini told El País: "The diversity we see in high-level football is not reproduced in politics."


A country younger than many of its players, children of war

Twelve of the 23 Croatian players summoned for this World Cup were born before the nation they represent declare their independence.

Stars of the stature of Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic, Daniel Subasic Rakitic, Domagoj Vida, Josip Pivaric and Iván Perisic, among others, were born before 1991, the year when the Republic of Croatia appeared after the dismantling of Yugoslavia.

In addition, the most bloody dismissals that Europe experienced after the Second World War

Thousands of deaths, civilian bombings, millions of displaced people and unimaginable atrocities marked the ethnic conflicts in the 90s in the Balkans, mainly among the Serbs. on the one hand, Croats, Bosniaks and Albanians, on the other hand.

Many of the players who will be looking for the world title tomorrow in Russia, still very young, have lived through this unfortunate time with their loved ones and their neighbors. Modric's family had to leave Zadar, his homeland, and Luka's grandfather was executed by Serb militiamen.

Rakitic and his, of Croatian and Bosnian origin, anticipate the horror and flee to Switzerland, where he was born the Barcelona player

Mandzukic fled with his parents in Germany, where they lived as refugees for five years. They had to come back in 1996, when their residence was revoked.

Dejan Lovren's family also had to leave for the Germanic soil and the defender even had difficulties with the language when they returned to

Vedran Corluka was perhaps the greatest miracle because he and his relatives survived the conflict in the Croatian capital. The Russian Lokomotiv defender grew up in the middle of bullets and bombs.

– Extreme Feelings –

The stories of "children of war" – as many have called Modric and company – have heated feelings. "Luka played football while hawking antipersonnel mines, and like him, we are not afraid," proclaims a young Croatian fan after moving to the final.

Although there is a degree of fantasy in this testimony, the brain of the Balkan selection acknowledged that the war made it stronger 19659035] Heroes beaten

Accused of Modric: Modric not only made news this year for his magic on the ground, but also for the accusation of perjury received in a bribery case.
Corrupt environment: The Croatian brain said in April before a court of his country in the criminal case against Zdravko Mamic, a strong man of the Croatian football.
Without affection for Idol: Davor Suker, star of France 98 and today president of the football federation, is considered by some as a marion

The complicated process of independence has, however, generated a nationalist sentiment so radical that – as the BBC has exposed – it has sometimes shown its most controversial face

This alludes to songs hummed by some players in the locker room after their World Cup victories, which are the same as the right wing activists. Croatia in its manifestations

On the eve of the final, let's stay better with a patriotic sensitivity like that put in its editorial by the Croatian newspaper "Jutamj" I list "the day of the semifinal against England, in which he asked his players to "fight with blood, sweat, tears and unity".

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