Russia 2018 World Cup: the table in which Peru was eighth in the tournament


The & # 39; Blanquirroja & # 39; s' is distinguished in this aspect in the championship

The Peruvian team was placed in the eighth place in the general table of the teams who had the most shots in the goal Russia of the world 2018 . The & # 39; Blanquirroja & # 39; reached the same average as the finalists France and Croatia according to a Times of England study. Brazil was the team that more shots on goal had, on average, throughout his participation in the World . & # 39; Scratch & # 39; kicked 6.4 times per game. It was followed by Germany eliminated with five auctions, Belgium with 4.7, Senegal with four, Spain with 3.9, Argentina with 3.5 and, surprisingly, Tunisia with 3.3

From the eighth position comes the parity up to five selections: Peru France Croatia Japan and Switzerland .

The offensive proposal of painting Ricardo Gareca brought Peruvian painting several times to the opposing goal, although not always effective, as was the case before Denmark and the champion France . Against Australia managed to reach the goal.

Meanwhile, the negative surprise of the table is England who is penultimate of the table with 0.9 shots per game, just above Iran who had 0, 7.

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