Russia: Vladimir Putin unveiled the power of his navy on parade | PICTURES Trade | World | News


The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, showed and praised the Russian Navy in its objectives of ensuring the security of their country, in the fight against international terrorism during the Day Parade From the Navy to St. Petersburg

"For three centuries, the Navy certified the status of Russia as a great naval power capable of firmly defending its national interests," said the Russian leader. beginning of the parade involving 41 ships and 38 warplanes.

Vladimir Putin added that the history of the Russian fleet is a story of "courage", "courage" and strength of mind of its sailors. "We are justifiably proud of our navy, our naval forces, our great fighting capability, as well as its strategic, tactical and operational capabilities," said the head of the Russian state

. Gorshkov & # 39 ;, the landing ship & # 39; Iván Gren & # 39; and the reconnaissance ship & # 39; Iván Jurs, parade today along the Nevá River as part of the second naval stop in this Russian city since the fall of the Soviet Union.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced that he will reinforce his military fleet with 26 new warships, four of which will be equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles.

total in 2018, the Navy will receive 26 new warships and ships, four of which equipped with Kalibr missiles, "said Vladimir Putin quoted by the Interfax agency, at the time of writing. a trip to St. Petersburg on the Day of Vladimir

Vladimir Putin recalled that the Russian fleet had already added eight ships last year.With a range of 1,900 km, Kalibr missiles are the Russian equivalent of the American Tomahawks

In recent years, these Russian ships have been used repeatedly against rebel and jihadist groups in Syria, bombed by Russian ships sailing in the Mediterranean. [19659010] Vice Admiral Alexander Moiseiev, commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, with his military base in Crimea, announced that his troops would be reinforced with six new ships in 2018. [19659010] Source: With information of EFE and AFP.

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