Saladino expects a good performance of Panamanians in Barranquilla – La Verdad Panamá


Panamanian Irving Saladino, gold medalist in the long jump at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, said today that he was confident that Panama's track and field athletes who will go to the Central American and Caribbean Games of Barranquilla 2018 will behave well.

"In recent years, athletics has made good presentations, although we do not have great leadership that encourages athletes to continue to train, but despite everything, we hope that the boys these games can shine, get their best record and be on the podium.

Saladino said that Panama will participate in Central America and the Caribbean 2018, from July 19 to August 3, with significant representation (123 athletes) and with several goals in the sports competition.

"As always, Panama has a significant representation for the country. We hope that athletes can achieve their best result, that they can bring to Panama glories and record and others have a good life experience, "said the former sportsman.

About the 10 years of the gold medal will meet on August 18, Saladino said that he had plans to celebrate, but they will have to be postponed for personal reasons.

"I had great plans to celebrate the 10th anniversary of my Olympic medal, but many things have happened and I can not do what I had planned, so for those days I will not be in the country, but I'll see what I'll do when I come back. "

Saladino is always happy to win this historic medal and that day, August 18, he will make a great mention on social media.

"This gold medal is still a symbol for the country at the Olympic level," he said.

Saladin, beyond the triumph in the bird's nest in Beijing, in his heart and mind, he cherishes another moment. this 2008.

"I am frank, what I left in the memory of that moment was the reception of the Panamanian people.It was unbelievable, I will never forget it in my life because at age 10, I watch the videos and it fills me with feelings, which is something I will never forget, "he said.

The Olympic skier took advantage of on the occasion to emphasize that he still had the ambition to be a local athletics leader, but he interrupted his career at this time to his resume [19659002] "Now I study the public administration. I am looking to expand my curriculum so I can introduce it to people. My interest is to be well prepared for the job, not just because Irving Saladino is the Olympic medalist.

He added that he will always support the athletics board, as well as the athletes, even if it is not part of the dome. of the Panamanian Federation of this sport.

"I am always in support of all my heart I am one of those who want athletics to regain the same scale as in previous years"



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