Scientists manage to multiply the range of optical fiber up to 4000 kilometers


Fiber optic cables were used to transmit data at high speed, although all its advantages were applied in different areas, even detecting earthquakes in advance, not only by its speed, but also by its speed. in which they transmit, now we can exploit this technology even more, because a group of scientists has managed to multiply the scope of its transmission.

Researchers from the Technological University of Chalmers, Sweden, and the Technological University of Tallinn, Estonia, they managed to extend the signal of a fiber-optic cable, multiplying its reach by 6, managing to transmit up to 4000 kilometers.

As explained in a statement, scientists have replaced conventional devices with phase-sensitive optical amplifiers. very low noise

In this study, the researchers demonstrated that the use of amplifiers sensitive to the noise phase ul works, can significantly reduce, and simultaneously, the impact of the accumulation of noise, and the signal distortion of non-linear effects on the transmission fiber.

"While there are still several engineering challenges, before these can be implemented commercially, the results show, for the first time, in a very clear way, the great benefits of using these amplifiers in optical communication " explains Professor Peter Andrekson Optical Communication in Chalmers University of Technology

" These amplifiers can also find applications in quantum computing and related fields, where the generation and processing of quantum states are of interest, as well as in spectroscopy or any other application that could benefit from a very low noise amplification ", adds Professor Prof. Andrekson

The research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC), the Swedish Research Council and the Wallenberg Foundation.

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