SEDEM inaugurated a modern honey processing plant in Irupana


Pgina Siete Digital

The Development Department of Public Productive Enterprises (SEDEM) inaugurated a modern Apcola Productive Complex in Irupana. The objective of this ambitious project is to strengthen the production, processing and sustainable marketing of apical products to improve the quality of life of producers and producers in the Yungas region of La Paz, according to a press release from # 39; institution. 19659003] President Evo Morales delivered the honey processing plant, which was financed by resources from the Fund for the Productive Industrial Revolution (Finpro), and asked producers in that region to guarantee the raw material.

Families changing the economic situation with works for people The Promiel processing plant is a big project for Bolivians and Bolivians. Sisters and brothers, with great respect this new contribution from the national government, this honey processing plant. I want to tell them to guarantee the raw material because there is a market, "said the president.

For its part, Promiel's technical director, Remmy Gonz ales, said that this complex is a Pride for Bolivians and benefit all beekeepers in the region.This Center for Productive Innovation Apcola (CIP) does not belong only to the Irupana municipality if it is not to The entire Yungas region was built with all the producers in mind.Bolivians should be proud to have a state-of-the-art plant made by Bolivian professionals.

Components of the complex

apcola and disease control and genetic improvement, a module and a processing plant (honey, pollen and prople), and a primary production module are the main components of this great complex of the Yungas.

This great center of 9, apcola productive innovation is located in the municipality of Irupana in the department of La Paz, has an extension of seven hectares. The total investment of this project amounts to 38,273,962.00 Bs (Thirty-eight million two hundred and seventy-three thousand nine hundred and sixty-two bolivianos 00/100), according to the press release.

Families benefited ]

Currently, the production of honey from the Yungas of La Paz is done in a traditional way. According to the preliminary study conducted by the Ministry of Rural Development and Land, in the department of La Paz, 3,008 honey producers maintain a total production of 18,046 hives and represent 22% of the total production of the country.

The diagnosis made, the average annual production of honey for the department of La Paz is 13.17 kg / year or per hive, a total of 237.666 kg of honey produced annually in this department.

This large project aims to benefit more than 730 indirectly producing families and indirectly to more than 32 people.

Industrialization at Irupana

With the inauguration of Apcola's Productive Innovation Center and the establishment of a processing plant Apcola realizes the # 39; industrialization of honey and other Irupana apricot products to contribute and promote the economic development of this region.

With this complex has been increased entar the number of hives and production volumes in areas of project influence. In addition, genetic material will be made available to producers through the implementation of the Bee Breeding Program.

Although the complex was opened recently, the honey processing plant has collected up to now 7.9. tons (7.898 kilos) to start the start-up. 250 tons of honey per year will be processed.

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