Seoul requests an exception in the application of sanctions against Pyongyang


July 23, 2018, 02:20 Seoul, July 23 (Prensa Latina) South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha today expressed the willingness of his government to create a exemption sanctions against norcorea to promote cooperation in the peninsula.

At the same time, the Seoul diplomat stressed that his country is not seeking to lighten all the measures imposed against the north of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

The South Korean Ministry of Unification upheld the Chancellor's opinion that the request for an exception was intended to facilitate the opening of a joint liaison office to the two Koreas and not to reduce the sanctions against Pyongyang.

The two countries are working on the opening of the Liaison Office in Kaesong, North Korea's border town, by the end of next month, one of the agreements reached at the international summit. Korean last April

. From his recent trip to the United States, Kang also highlighted the importance of Seoul-Washington communication for inter-Korean talks to accompany dialogues between North Korea and the North American nation.

. will continue to strictly enforce UN sanctions against Pyongyang until the country takes concrete steps towards denuclearization.

Despite the current inter-Korean rapprochement, Seoul has supported Washington's position to maintain the pressure of international measures against North Korea.

tgj / idm

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