Sheryl Crow will release her latest album with great artists


New York

Sheryl Crow announces that she has completed the recording phase of her album and that she will be releasing a last album next year, which will collaborate with front-line artists.

In an interview broadcast on Monday, the winner of the New Grammy said that this 2019 album will have the participation of Stevie Nicks Keith Richards Don Henley ] and Johnny Cash in his last stage

The American pop singer, who is best known for his 1994 hit " All I wanna ", reported that "I think albums … are like a dying art form, that people are more interested in singles, "he told his hostess Kyle Meredith ]

" It feels good to do not spend so much time on a studio to make a conceptual and complete album but only make relevant and immediate songs. "

Artists from this era of streaming debate more and more about the relevance of albums, the duration of which was dictated by the physical limitations of s LP of vinil .

While some musicians still see albums as a kind of artistic statement, others – especially in the genres of hip-hop and electronic music – prefer to make music at their own pace

Crow who has long formed teams with great musical stars, recently released a single with independent rock St. Vincent

After having romantic relationships with celebrities such as Eric Clapton and Lance Armstrong The 56-year-old artist recounted how his life changed after adopting two children

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