"Smoke" steals applause at the Gibara International Film Festival


  The exhibition of high quality films for the public, in general, is one of the features of the Gibara International Film Festival. Photo: Lisandra Cardoso

The premiere of Humo's staging marked the activities of the XIVth edition of the Gibara International Film Festival, which takes place at the Villa Blanca in Los Cangrejos since the last one dedicated to the childhood and adolescence.

The work, co-produced by Teatro del Sol, from Havana and Trébol Teatro, from Holguín, was presented at the House of Culture of the Coastal City, where the theater collective gave the audience a show of great originality links with the aesthetic coherence the link between cinema and theater.

Written by young playwright Holguin Yunior García, the story tells the story of two fumigators, who are forced to shut down a cinema because they see themselves as a focus of vectors, a place of great importance for the characters played by Felix Beatón and René de la Cruz.

García, addressing the Cuban News Agency, described the experience as very interesting not only because of the quality of his protagonists' actor but also because the Opportunity to pair two real big friends in the same scenario and stage all these ambitions and frustrations of the profession

. Ion of theater and film as artistic events, he felt that both languages ​​are a bigamy that expands the possibilities of expression and that he particularly appreciates.

The children as main protagonists of this edition of the Gibara International Film Festival will have a special day, because according to the program of activities, they are expected to participate with the artists of the visual artists in the realization of various murals distributed by the squares and parks of Villa Blanca.

the youngest home of their own communities and the House of Culture will host a distinctive proposal of audiovisual products on childhood, produced by Unicef.

While the space dedicated to the concerts will have a luxury closure with the participation of the popular Argentine musician Fito Páez and that show the growth of an event that not everyone wants to go, according to its president Jorge Perugorría,

(With information from the Cuban News Agency)

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