Social demands will guide the mandate of the original leader in Canada


July 26, 2018, 15:13 Ottawa, July 26 (PL) The new leader of the Assembly of First Nations of Canada, Perry Bellegarde, is today faced with the challenge of promoting deferred applications of indigenous peoples communities as greater political inclusion and improvement of social indicators.

Bellegarde maintained the leadership of these indigenous nations, re-elected the day before with 60 percent of the vote, 328 of the 522 votes cast in the second round, This allows him to serve a second term in the next four years, reported the CBC News media consortium.

The Chief Executive badured that his close relationship with the government has ensured that millions of dollars in federal funding have been allocated to Aboriginal nations in recent years.

Investments in education, housing, health resources and water are more important, while the law on preservation has been revitalized. It is something that is essential to the survival of our people, says Bellegarde, who comes from the First Nations tribe of Little Black Bear, Saskatchewan

. However, other Aboriginal leaders accuse him of:

According to Bellegarde, he will use his new mandate to continue to work with federal and provincial authorities to improve the quality of life of Canadians. indigenous peoples

. Among the other priority issues is the high rate of youth suicide in these communities, with worrying levels for years.

According to official estimates, the number of Aboriginal youth who decide to end their lives exceeds seven times the national average.

Another urgent matter is the situation of the children of native people who are detained, separated from their families, and the number is estimated at about 40,000.

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