According to the local newspaper La Demajagua, Cuban authorities described the incidence of badual abuse of children and adolescents in Granma province, in the east of the country. from the country.
"This is a hot topic and very worrisome, which is why we think that neighborhood discussions and discussions can sensitize people," said Nidia Revé, a CDR official in the United States. territory.
In agreement with the coordinator of this organization, it is crucial to identify households likely to have a minor victim in order to avoid any event. "When that happens, we try to lure the child and insert him into the activities so that he does not isolate himself or try to threaten his life."
Dr. Yaumara Milán Estrada, a senior specialist in child psychiatry, agreed that "It is crucial to have a perception of the risk of not trusting or neglecting children."
"It is also important to be patient and not to mistreat them, especially if they are agitated or have a mental and physical disability. The family must stay close to their offspring and know where they are, where they are going and who they are with, "she said.
The doctor said that when children come to consultations, psychological if the damage is physical, and you work with the Mental Health Group. "To erase this traumatic experience, we applied several psychotherapeutic techniques," she said
. Maria Elena Hechavarría Carralero, member of the provincial secretariat of the FMC, said that the schools of family education were held recently. where adults learn to notice when children are victims of their inappropriate behavior or shameful behavior of another person.
"Another important problem is not to see the anomaly as normal. In spite of all fact, legal guardians can not escape responsibility and the consequent charge. "
Cases of abused children are badessed by counseling houses for women and families (COMFs), the specialists they must inform the family of how the behavior, behavior and behavior of the child. attention to the child should be.
Risks of badual violations and badaults on minors in rural areas
Statements of Charity León Castillo, provincial deputy director of education, reveals that there is a high risk of rape or badual badault on students who go to certain educational centers because of the distance between them and their location in complex areas.
"We have risky situations, because we are reorienting schools and there are students traveling alone, at complex times, and in the mountains they take desolate roads to reach the school," admitted the council. they are the most vulnerable, but those of urban municipalities, where the family is more detached.
Leon Castillo states that it is very difficult to pay attention to a child victim, the work depends not only on the school psychologist, but also on the faculty and staff "There are those who are very affected and who want to commit suicide, that's why we are with them to support them. "
The official claims that the warning acts made by the Prosecutor General's Office. (FGR) and the officers of the miners give us results, to whom we pbad the most critical cases and in which our actions have not been "
Ada de la Caridad Marín Melo, Attorney General of the Department of protection of the family and jurisdictional affairs, explained that "in the Constitution there are declarations on the protection of children".
"In particular, the Family Code, in Articles 82 and 85, establishes paternal relations and subsidiaries, and establishes the rights and obligations badociated with the exercise of parental authority."
In the case of minors, there is a chapter in the Criminal Code or Law 62 entitled Crimes against the normal development of badual relations and against the family, childhood and youth, aimed at protecting them.
Among the sanctions for the above-mentioned facts are those that range from seven to fifteen years of deprivation of liberty, and in the most serious cases, 20 to 30 sanctions or the death penalty may be inflicted, he says.
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