Sosa claims that he will continue the plans of the current government


MP Karina Sosa participated in the FMLN internal elections at the El Salvador voting center. / Courtesy

Karina Sosa was consolidated on Sunday as a candidate for the vice presidency of the Republic who will accompany Hugo Martínez for the FMLN official.

The current deputy and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Legislature, entered on July 14 to participate in the party's internal election as a candidate for vice-presidency by the FMLN for the 2019 presidential elections.

This Sunday, accompanied by Nidia Díaz also deputy, Sosa attended the voting center in San Salvador to issue the vote. In his statements to the press, the official said that, like the presidential candidate, Hugo Martinez, "we not only kicked here, but we also began to develop in different scenarios, but especially in contacting the Salvadoran population which is based in different parts of the world. "

Sosa has 15 years of work in the Legislative Assembly. In his decision to support the former Chancellor, he badured that "we are willing to contribute from this new space so that there is no stagnation in this way that El Salvador has already drawn. "

"I think that Karina is an integral person in all its dimensions and represents the new generation of this country, also the identity of our party because she may have more youth than many, but that It promotes the principles, the values ​​and always puts the memory of the people who fought and gave their lives for this process, "said MP Diaz after voting. 19659003] Hugo Martínez showed his support to his future companion, just like the President of the Republic, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, as well as the first lady, Margarita Villalta de Sánchez

"She (Sosa) and Hugo are excellent formula, this are young people, people who have a new way of thinking and who do a great job visiting all parts of the country, "said the president.


He graduated from the Bachelor of Legal Sciences of the University of El Salvador. He specializes in human rights, with courses in constitutional law, children's rights, international law and integration.

He came to the Legislative Assembly in 2003. He was re-elected for two consecutive terms.

In his political career, he participated in the Commission for External Relations, Integration of Central America and Salvadorans Abroad, among others.

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