Suman 141 deaths from heavy rains in Japan


The number of deaths from torrential rains in the south-west of Japan now stands at 141, according to the latest data provided by the government today, while the search for some 70 missing continues

Record rains since Thursday in the Japanese archipelago have caused particularly serious floods and landslides in Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures , where the meteorological phenomenon has devastated thousands of homes and left many

At the present time there are 141 deaths, most of them in the prefectures of Hiroshima [19659006] (West) and Okayama and Ehime [19659006] (Southwest) According to the latest data offered today at a press conference by the executive spokesperson, Yoshihide Suga, while the media j Aponais crypt number Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced today that he would visit Okayama Prefecture, one of the most affected by the rains, after canceling his tour in Europe on Monday. and in the Middle East. To personally coordinate victim badistance tasks.

"We will badess the needs of the victims and promote a rapid reconstruction of the region," said Abe at an emergency meeting of his cabinet. the Japanese agency Kyodo.

Some 73,000 soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces (Army), police and firefighters continue to carry out relief operations, which was already more than 72 hours after the onset of heavy rains [19659014delayconsidereddecisiveforfindingsurvivors

More than 23 thousand people are still evacuated in temporary shelters NHK said.

Precipitation [1965900] 5] caused the flooding of rivers that flooded entire populations, where the water reached three meters high in some places and caused serious damage to buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructure as can be seen The Japanese media

Some 51,000 households were left without electricity in six prefectures while more than 260,000 homes suffered water cuts in 13 other Monday afternoon, explained the Japanese government. Disaster has already become one of the worst and most deadly in the Asian country since the 1982 rains, which killed about 300 people.

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