Tamara, a golden oak taekwondo • Workers


By Rudens Tembras Arcia, Special Envoy

Barranquilla.- Attacking first, always taking the initiative and thinking only to mark his opponents, was the philosophy that led Tamara Robles ( 53 kg) to the Taekwondo medal. Gold at the XXIII Games of Central America and the Caribbean, whose seat is here until August 3.

At the Colegio Marymount Coliseum, on the outskirts of Barranquilla, on the way to the beach, the silence broke for hours. Tamara Robles won the gold medal, in the 53 Kg division, at taekwondo, at the XXIII Central American and Caribbean Games, in the Marymount School, in Barranquilla, Colombia, on July 20, 2018. ACN FOTO / Marcelino VAZQUEZ HERNANDEZ "width =" 750 "height =" 450 "srcset =" http://www.trabajadores.cu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Tamara-taekwondo.jpg 750w, http: / /www.trabajadores.cu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Tamara-taekwondo-375×225.jpg 375w "sizes =" (max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px "/>

Tamara Robles won the gold medal, in the 53 Kg division, at taekwondo, at the XXIII Central American and Caribbean Games, at the Marymount School, in Barranquilla, Colombia, on July 20, 2018. ACN FOTO / Marcelino VAZQUEZ HERNANDEZ

In the mattress, the taekwondocas fought their battles, but in the stands they were always doing theirs: Cuba, Cuba, Cuba, Colombia, Colombia, Colombia, Panama, Panama, Panama, were heard we are among many other songs.

And in this delightful madness, Cuba celebrated the "coolness" of a 16-year-old girl, just national champion of the island and who saw her second presentation beyond the seas: Tamara was a "oak" which has gradually broken the "edges" of his three opponents.

In the quarter-finals she had the Dominican Mayerlín Mejías 26-4; in the semifinals of the Mexican Linda Torres 25-7; and in the final of the Panamanian Carolena Cartens, nothing less than the Panamerican champion and one of the best placed in the universal rankings.

This match started in a volcano, to the point of finishing the first period with an advantage for the Isthmus 10-0. However, from now on the story has taken a complete turn and the West Indians have won it in 12-3 and 9-3

"Since I arrived, I knew that I was not sure what happened. I was new, that I was at a disadvantage compared to others, but I was sure of what I wanted and I stormed by badault to reach the final and reach the victory. and I do not think so, "said the girl before breaking her voice in front of the cameras.

But if she had the strength to beat women more experienced than her, nothing would stop her words. He caught his breath and continued: "I came out losing in the final, but I did not hurry because these points are not different in my sport, and the fight does not end until the end, until At the last minute, I knew what to do and what was being said to me from the corner, "she explained quieter

And then there was time to thank them, those who come to Mind when fame knocks on the door: "My gratitude to all who have done It is possible that I was there and my mother was waiting in Cuba. Also to coaches and friends, to all the world in general, I love them very much, "he said before yielding to tears of tranquility and rest.

The president of the Cuban Taekwondo Federation, Iván Fernández Quirós, led the Cuban fans to the stand and made statements after clutching the Robles.

"We are very excited because this girl had no medal prognosis, she is 16 years old and although she is national champion of 53 kg, it is the second time that she She is preparing herself abroad, and he has done it as well or better than many of the world's medalists who have competed here today, "he comments euphorically. ] "Winning the Panamerican champion in the final brings more flavor and brilliance to this triumph and shows that the Cuban taekwondo He has risen."

The same day, Cuba won the bronze medal thanks to Miguel Aguiar, who after defeating Nicaraguan Clark Lopez in the quarter-finals by 15-6, lost in the semifinals to tico Juan Soto, just seconds after the closing of the trial

Yosmaylis Ferrer (46 kg) and Guillermo Arias (54 kg) lost in their first presentations against Mexican Brenda Costa (4-2) and Guatemalan Nelso n Acajabón, in that order. [19659003] In this regard, Fernández Quirós commented that "to start well for any delegation is important, we did not expect this victory and we also won a bronze medal.It is a success, when the" Cuba's strong battery "arrives, it comes with everything and goes even further."

The party, the celebration, was in the crowded arena, as these lines began to be born .. [19659020] [ad_2]
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