Ten foods to purify the body after the holidays


L & # 39; s universal. Because of the Easter holidays, many free days have been allocated to many people, which could make them inflamed and cause them various inconveniences after the frenzy.

To put an end to these annoyances, we share a list of 10 depurative foods that, thanks to their properties, can help you feel better in your body.


One of the foods with the greatest amount of antioxidants, which helps protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals that abound in "junk food".


It promotes good digestion thanks to its high fiber content, which can prevent inflammation, says Dr. Mercola in his blog, Healthy Food.


It contains 212 amino acids and several enzymes, including papana, an enzyme that has an anti-inflammatory effect in the stomach.


Thanks to their phytonutrients, they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Reosamine, one of its phytonutrients, is recognized for its ability to stimulate fat burning.


A vegetable so low in calories that when we consume it, we spend more than it does. Fernanda Alvarado, nutritionist, states that it is a diuretic food that fights fluid retention in her blog.


It's a cleansing food, since it acts as a diuretic and a mild laxative because it contains a significant amount of fiber.


It is a cereal rich in insoluble fiber, which has a positive effect on digestive function because it delays the pbadage of food through the digestive tract, which causes greater satiety.


Many studies show its health benefits in almost every area of ​​the body, from eliminating heavy metals to preventing disease, says Dr. Mercola on his blog.


Cucumber is more than 90% water and its seeds have a diuretic action. They also contain vitamin K, an anti-inflammatory, explains Fernanda Alvarado.


It is a fruit rich in bromelain, a purifying enzyme because it helps repair damaged cells, in addition to being high in fiber, which aids digestion. You should therefore include in the coming days these foods in your diet and help your body to refine the excesses of the holidays.

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