Ten thousand santiagueros in the central act for the act of Moncada


Thousands of santiagueros will gather in front of the Moncada Barracks to remember the epic

Santiago de Cuba. – About 10 thousand santiagueros – representing the people of Cuba – will attend the national central event for the 65th anniversary of the badault of the barracks Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes July 26

The provincial newspaper of Sierra Maestra announced last Saturday on its first page, that once again the polygon of the former military fortress of the tyranny of Batista, will witness of the celebration of the day of the national rebellion.

that from 02:00 am of the historic day, the concentration of participants from all sectors of society, previously accredited, will begin to points already reported by the district committees of the Communist Party of Cuba.

He also informs that, to ensure discipline and punctuality, the carnival activities of the city of Santiago de Cuba will end at noon on Wednesday, July 25, date before the big party

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