The 5 best houses to build on Mars, according to NASA


Mars is the new dream of space agencies and NASA wants to prepare everything to colonize it. From there was born a contest that awarded $ 100,000 to the top five housing projects for the Red Planet, created from 3D printers.

The contest, called 3D Centennial Habitat Challenge ] required at this stage to present a digital representation with the design and features for a home in March .

The model was to provide details on the structure. In other words, participants could not simply take a drawing of their concept, but confirm that it was livable. Therefore, they should include data on the thickness of the walls, the heating system and the sealing of the doors, among others.

 Mars Houses NASA

The 5 winners of this stage shared the prize in several parts. similar to about $ 20,000 after competing with a total of 18 projects. Now they have to bring their idea to reality, albeit in a scale model, more precisely one – third of the actual size.

They must also present a design using software that shows how the housing systems work. excited. They not only design structures but create habitats that will allow explorers to live and work on other planets. We can not wait to see how their designs come to life as the contest progresses, "said Monsi Roman, director of NASA's contest .

The Winners

The first place in the contest The creation of a house for Mars was the team Zopherus, of Rogers, Arkansas. The main reason for choosing it is that its habitat contemplates the deployment of 3D printers that can recover Mars materials for new builds.

In second position was AI. Spacefactory, New York. His habitat consists of a cylinder that maximizes the space of use

Then he was placed Kahn-Yates, of Jackson, Mississippi. His design envisions a large number of translucent dots through which light enters. It also offers resistance to Mars dust storms.

SEArch + / Apis Cor, of New York, remained in fourth position thanks to its habitat prioritizing the entrance of natural light and It offers a strong shelter from the radiation.

In fifth place was Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Its design combines a kind of sphere with a parabolic dome. This house is built in a simple way thanks to an inflatable base on which the structure is placed.


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