The average price of coffee decreased by 13.4% compared to last season


Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Honduran coffee exports decreased by 14% in foreign currency and 1% in volume during the first nine months of the 2017-2018 harvest compared to the same period of the previous season.

a report from the Honduran Coffee Institute ( Ihcafe ), overseas sales from October 2017 to June 2018 totaled $ 963 million, or 14 1% less than the previous season by $ 1.12 billion

He added that the volume of exports of this cereal during the reference period was 7.83 millions of quintals of coffee (bags of 46 kilos), against 7.8 million quintals of the same interval. from the previous harvest, which represents 1% less.

Ihcafé reported that export earnings declined due to the drop in grain prices on the international market.

In the nine months of the current harvest, the price of what Intal coffee reached an average of 122.95 dollars, while it was 142.02 dollars for the same period of 2016-2017, which represents a decrease of 13.4%.

In addition, Germany, Belgium, the United States and Italy the main markets to which Honduras exported coffee during the first nine months of the current harvest, since these countries bought 71% of the total grain sold.

Behind these four countries were, in this order, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Korea, Canada and Colombia. According to estimates, in the current harvest, Honduras plans to export nine million quintals and is expected to receive more than $ 1,500 million.

Honduras sold the previous harvest, which began in October 2016 and ended in September 2017, 9.5 million quintals. According to official figures, coffee yielded more than $ 1,300 million.

The Coffee Activity of Honduras is in the hands of about 100,000 families.


The Ihcafé and other organizations will sign an agreement for the eradication of child labor in the coffee sector.

Since last year, with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Honduras and the Honduran Council of Private Enterprises, the unions worked to abolish child labor in the industry.

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