The benefits of the egg for health


L & # 39; s universal. Did you know that the egg is the food most consumed by Mexicans? According to the National Union of Poultry Farmers (UNA), until 2018, the annual egg consumption per capita was 22.8 kg, which positions us as the country that consumes the most food. 39 eggs per year. In addition, by 2019, the industry is expected to grow 2.5% over last year.

The egg is not only economical and tasty, but it is bursting with nutritional values ​​that position it as one of the most nutritious foods. Then we give you reasons to continue to love the egg.

1. The perfect food. According to José Antonio Quintana, an academic from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the egg is a perfect product because it contains proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and is cheap. Although many myths say that the egg can affect cholesterol levels, the teacher points out that eating it is not harmful unless it ingests five to six eggs a day. .

2. CALIENTAS CUNTAS A ?. UNAM also ensures that an egg contains about 90 calories and two pieces provide 15 grams of protein. Of course, it depends entirely on the size of the egg. For example: a small 38 gram egg contains 54 calories; a 44 gram medium contains 63 calories; a fat 50 grams has 72 calories and a very fat 63 grams has 90 calories.

3. STRENGTHEN YOUR BONES. It is believed that calcium is the only nutrient needed to have strong bones; However, a good dose of vitamin D is necessary for its absorption. Although vitamin D is generated during sun exposure, the egg is extremely rich in this vitamin and by eating two eggs a day you get more than 20% of what is recommended by the organizations health.

4. TO SEE BETTER. According to the nutriloga Fernanda Alvarado, lutein and zeaxanthin, present in the egg, are two powerful antioxidants that tend to accumulate in the retina of the eye and are related to visual health, help to stop age-related macular degeneration and falls. Vitamin A protects the skin and zinc protects the retina.

5. BJALE TO STRESS. Fernanda Alvarado also explains that the egg contains choline, a nutrient belonging to the group of vitamins of the B complex and is the precursor of a neurotransmitter related to the proper functioning of the brain, thus improving the memory and time of the brain. In the long run. In addition, it is essential for the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that "calm"), so it helps to calm the stress.

6. TO LOSE WEIGHT When you eat eggs, you feel full longer to eat less and maintain a healthy weight. People who eat can lose 60% more weight, according to a study published in "The International Journal of Obesity".

7. ADIS INFLAMACIN The yolk of egg is rich in choline, nutrient with anti-inflammatory properties. Remember that chronic inflammation can cause muscle damage, Crohn's disease, allergies, skin problems and arthritis.

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