The best Hatuey Beer production is ready for the 2018 Santiaguero Carnival


  CERVECERÍA HATUEY 2 Santiago de Cuba, July 21st. At Hatuey Beer, the carnival reign of Santiago de Cuba is discussed no other drink. Not the famous light rum aged at Don Pancho, which is a lot to say. It has been like this since the famous factory was born in the cast of San Pedrito, in the early decades of the 20th century.

This time, in addition, the industry of Santiago has an even greater responsibility: the "moss" 60 years after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, an opportunity that will also commemorate the 65th anniversary of the l '; Assault of the Moncada Barracks, here, and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, in Bayamo, on July 26, 1953, led by Fidel Castro Ruz. 19659003] CERVECERÍA HATUEY 1 "title =" Hatuey Cerveza Fábrica "clbad =" caption "style =" display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; "width =" 480 "height =" 318 "/> In short, what will the" Hatuey "deliver to the people of this Grand Rumbón for a week, from July 21st to July 27th To know: 35,000 bottled boxes, 25,000 boxes in metal matrices and 295,000 boxes in bulk, or 355,000 boxes … figures that exceed those of the 2017 celebration.
Alexis Lopez, deputy director of La brewery santiaguera, explains:
"Everything is guaranteed: the raw material and what it takes to make the beer of the Carnival. The thermo cars of the other municipalities of Santiago and the eastern provinces that support us regularly, will add 31, therefore, bulk beer should not encounter any difficulty, that is the ability of the pipes against the installed capacity in the zones ".
"With the same bottled beer: we have accumulated in storage, which will guarantee the distribution of this line.
" And to "dispensed", which is our leading product now, we created more conditions : since last year until now, new distributors have been delivered; In addition, there was an "injection" of new casks (each one charging the liquid with about six cans of bottled beer). This beer is guaranteed. "
According to the director of" Hatuey ", in the Carnival areas there will be 187 distributors, out of these 60 new ones, which means a record in installed quantity.
" There will be a lot of beer distributed, and this product compared to other badortments, has advantages: it's a cooler beer; the temperature is guaranteed because the distributor itself cools the liquid; the population has been more and more happy. "
López acknowledged that although the industry and its equipment are old" we can not forget that this part is "harvest". brewers who know instinctively how to work: a double effort is necessary for each partner in each position. And we have the will to do it and offer the guarantee of conformity. "
The roads, the itineraries of the thermos vehicles, the representatives of the gastronomy in each car … everything is badembled, just like the mechanism of communication between the festive zones and the command post here in the area. Just one more detail: to the city and the authorities of the province who trust: Hatuey and its brewers will conform to the Carnival. "

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