The Bishop of Holguín Visits Leader of the Opposition Eduardo Cardet in Prison


The Cuban doctor and opposition leader Eduardo Cardet, sentenced in 2016 to three years in prison for "attacking the authority", was visited last week in prison by Bishop Emilio Aranguren Echeverría, Bishop of the diocese of Holguín. 19659002] Cardet, at the head of the Christian Liberation Movement, thanked the religious authority for his visit and said he was very encouraged, according to a statement from the opposition group quoted by the portal Martí Noticias

With the media referred, the activist and prisoner of conscience communicated by telephone with his wife Yaimaris Vecino shortly after the visit and the badured that he was in good health.

In May, her family was informed by the authorities that family visits had been suspended for six months and that phone calls had been avoided.

"He tells me that he's healthy, the reason the appeals were removed does not exist, which has been arbitrary," Vecino said. Radio Martí.

The visit of Aranguren Echeverría comes several weeks after the beginning of the MCL. I asked in a letter to the Diocese of Holguín and the Vicar General, Arnaldo Aldama Monserrat, to intercede for the release of Cardet, who remains imprisoned in the prison Cuba Sí, in this Eastern Province.

"There is nothing new to change the measures or to take any sort of concession with respect to visits," Vecino said.

Cardet also had a biopsy in May, which had not been reported yet. the result or Saturday, he knew that it was negative. "The result of the biopsy is that she has nothing malignant, that she is receiving medical treatment, that she is not undergoing surgery yet," she said. said Yaimaris

Thursday, the NGO UN Watch, which monitors the respect of human rights from the United Nations, presented to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention a legal complaint to demand that Cuba release Cardet.

Similarly, the NGO Peace and Cooperation, a special advisory body in the UN Economic and Social Council on Friday asked the Spanish government to intervene to obtain the release of the doctor from the 39; opposition.

The case of Eduardo Cardet was also brought before the Council of State of Cuba . It was led by activist Rosa María Rodríguez, who was received by Felicia Martínez, responsible for Citizen's Attention.

The MCL also asked in a letter to French Chancellor Jean Yves Le Drian, plans to visit the island, to intervene in the case. The letter was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Cuban writer Zoe Valdes; they explained to him that the Gaulish government knew about the imprisonment.

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