The Call of Nature> Cuba> Granma



CENAGA OF ZAPATA. – Despite the inconvenience of the most recent rains and floods that have affected the region, the tourist destination of this municipality works in its entirety and the presence of

Orelvys León Abreu, deputy commercial director of the tourism company Integral Ciénaga de Zapata, said that today all the facilities that make up the network provide services without difficulty, including Guamá and the Crocodile Farm, the only two

He clarified that one The most immediate objectives of the Company is the repair of 118 rooms in the village of Playa Girón and the auction of the investment process in Guamá, which includes the central module of the facility and the zone of the pool, as well as three bridges and the culmination of walking trails.

Given the demands of nature tourism, a vital modality in the region, the manager stressed the commitment of the sector to strengthen the extra-hotel network and the activities favored by tourists, among which are distinguished diving, for the beauty of marine ecosystems

Due to the high number of tropical animal and plant species, the ornithological modality is also interesting (this area is the largest and most important reservoir of birds migratory in Cuba), and the crocodile farm.

Thousands of people visit this place every year, moreover, to know the historical and natural riches of the territory and to take advantage of spaces such as Punta Perdiz, Caleta Buena and Cueva de los Peces, signify León Abreu.

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