The Challenges of Combating Climate Change and Preserving Historical Memory> Cuba> Granma


As part of the fight against climate change, work will be carried out on the full recovery of eroding beaches and global rice protection technologies will be applied. Photo: Estudios Revolución

With the presence of the President of State Councils and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, a follow-up meeting was held Tuesday on actions that, in the framework of the State Plan for the confrontation to climate change, Task Life, realize the different agencies, entities and provinces of the country.

In view of the foreseeable effects, where, when and to what extent will the fishery processing industries be delocalised? What impact will the reshaping of agricultural production have on the establishment and size of the industrial establishment? These and other questions are aimed at responding to the strategy developed by the Ministry of Food Industry to deal with unavoidable climate change.

Is the economic activity of this sector crucial for food production and one of the most vulnerable to climatic effects, as many species are jeopardizing their lives before any variability in their ecosystems.

In this respect, have been proposed as fundamental objectives to deepen the diagnosis, actions and projects of adaptation to climate change with integral and progressive character; ensure the efficient use of water in aquaculture and food industries by the introduction of modern technologies and the exploitation of new sources of supply; reduce the pollutants of a reduction of the same and an effective waste treatment system; increase the share of renewable energy sources; and contribute to the protection of the most vulnerable marine ecosystems.

The meeting also badyzed the compliance of the program to stop the deterioration of the documentary heritage of the Cuban nation.

The Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment, Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya, acknowledged that the Ministry of Food Industry is doing consistent work in these areas, and insisted on the need to deepen more and more the themes of food security, the link with agriculture and the impact of other actors. States related to the activities of the sector. He also recommended continuing the search for scientific information in the most dedicated areas.

Later, the priorities of the task of life defined for the province of Pinar del Río were exposed, concentrated in seven municipalities, and basically in Guane, given the expected effects of coastal and other floods.

In particular, it was explained that the final delocalization of the houses that still exist on the beach of Las Canas, municipality of Pinar del Río; in the village of Punta de Cartas, municipality of San Juan y Martínez; as well as in the communities of La Bajada, municipality of Sandino, and Dayaniguas, municipality of Los Palacios.

Among other tasks, the coastal protective ecosystem will be rehabilitated, for which by 2018, ten hectares of mangrove will be reforested and will be carried out the maintenance of 15 kilometers of cbads water exchange in mangroves and mouths south of Los Palacios. Similarly, work will be carried out on the full recovery of erosion-intensive beaches and full technologies for the protection of rice will be applied.

Attention was also drawn to the occurrence of abnormal events in the Guanahacabibes peninsula badociated with climate change. the emergence of new invasive alien species, the effects on turtle nesting sites and the migration of white pelican and red crab.

The president of state councils and ministers was interested in knowing how to treat the province the implementation of the state plan. In this regard, it was explained that a commission was created by resolution of the president of the Provincial Administrative Council who directs monthly compliance with the planned actions and ensures the introduction of confrontation to climate change in the province's integral development strategy. 19659005] Next, the compliance of the program to stop the deterioration of the documentary heritage of the Cuban nation was badyzed, under which the Cuban Institute of Art and Film Industry (Icaic) has reported on actions to preserve its historical memory. cultural institution founded by the Revolution.

It was pointed out that the film archives created better conditions in the vaults, spaces for the photo library, the video library, the customer service room and the film restoration workshops. A high resolution digital scanner for the films was also installed, a scanning and restoration workshop for photos, texts and posters was built and the movie museum was located.

In the historical memory of the Institute materials, Cuban films and international cinema; soundtracks, effects, historical records and various recorded music in general; film photos, personalities, events, production images, frames, negatives and contacts; movie posters; and film scripts, dialogue lists and translations.

Similarly, a large number of pieces intended for the cinematographic museum are preserved; libraries with texts and cinematographic publications; as well as other heritage properties of plastic works, prizes, crafts, antique furniture, vintage cars and costumes.

In the particular case of Cuban cinema, over 60 years and despite very difficult conditions, it has been maintained a program for preservation, restoration and now digitization, where various forms of international collaboration are applied.

During the meeting, the Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment acknowledged that despite the complexity of the restoration process, this organization shows sustained progress in its work.

Then it was clarified that in the case of the Ministry of Industry, these tasks were structured in two stages

In this sense, all the digital information relating to historical memory, with the l & # 39; 39 Using the Excriba computer application, developed by the University of Computer Science, as well as being located Ideas and photographs, by scanning each of the documents.

In a second step, the preservation and archiving of paper documents will begin, related to the creation of the ministry and its operation.

The challenge is to gradually order the system over the entire national territory, said Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment. We still have a lot of things to do, but the country has not crossed our arms, he said.

Finally, the President of State Councils and Ministers recalled the instructions given by General Raúl Castro Ruz the preservation of these precious materials that make up our historical memory.

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