The Colombian peace agreement reached in Cuba is in danger


Colombian activist Piedad Córdoba warned today in this capital that the attitude of the government of President Juan Manuel Santos compromises the peace agreements concluded in Cuba.

Just three days ago, I wrote a letter to the President of the Republic, reporting 168 murders committed against social leaders, Córdoba told Prensa Latina in the context of the XXIV meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum. Paulo.

"Your government instead of worrying about what is happening in Venezuela do not worry about what is happening in your country" and about the crimes that it does not cause. did absolutely nothing, said the former Colombian senator at the Havana Convention Center, the seat of the conclave that began the day before and ends tomorrow.

In his letter to Santos, Córdoba He recalled that 39. Some time ago they held a private meeting at the seat of the presidency and that he promised his word that he would investigate at that time (2014) selective killings against the patriotic march of the political and social movement

The head of state – said Córdoba in his letter – said that he would take measures to protect against the persecution and the selective killing of militants in different regions

three years of this meeting, no such measure has been taken and, so far, as part of the implementation of the final peace agreement, this scourge continues and in a greater proportion to the point of being 13 social leaders and defenders [badbadiné dans une semaine, “souligne le texte.]

Córdoba pointed out in the Sao Paulo Forum the positive role of Cuba in the peace process in the South American country, and that the Colombian government at the last minute has virtually destroyed the agreements reached in Havana

Now, the activist warned, there is a resurgence of threats and we are in danger with the new government.

On participation in the meeting, Córdoba as He said that this type of appointment is very important because it contributes to the search for unity in the middle of a counter-offensive by the forces of the right in the region, now practicing coups against progressive governments

. It serves to strengthen us and to make commitments to return to each of our countries and continue to fight, "said the Colombian delegate.

The Sao Paulo Forum stands out as an area of ​​convergence , debate and action Left-wing political organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean held in 1990.

To date, Cuba has hosted three editions of the meeting, that of 1993, that of 2001 and that of today, which includes an event on the thought of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro and the Sao Paulo Forum

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