The Cuba Economist – Cuba and Vietnam for Capturing Investments in the Mariel Zone


Cuba and Vietnam for
attract investment in
The region of Mariel

[25.07.2018] –

18:00 Cuba

The constitution of
ViMariel S.A.
between Cuba and Vietnam
develop a
industrial park in the
Special area of
Mariel Development (ZEDM)
among his
goals recruitment
they said today

The capital injection
I want to be
issuing entities
from Europe, America
Latina and Asia who own
advanced technologies, and
that make it easier
benefits for the island
Antillana, explained to
Prensa Latina
President of the council
directors of
Viglacera Corporation
S.A., Tran Anh Tuan

In the enclave
infrastructure in a
earth that includes,
in a first step,
a subsidy of a few
156 hectares with
possibilities of
Expansion up to 300
hectares in the term
50 years old, apunt.

This concession
administrative -authorized
by decree
340- will have as
objectives to project,
invest, build,
manage and operate
infrastructure, and
creation of the already
mentioned park
industrial located
in sector A of
ZEDM, located around 45
kilometers to the west of
this capital.

ViMariel S.A. is one
subsidiary of the company
Vietnamese merchant
Viglacera S.A., company
leader in the parks
industrial, amp Anh
Tuan and explained that
has more than 200
investment companies.

We hope that with
our experience of
business for over 20
we can occupy the
space of the recin
compliant entity,

Refers to the manager
this other one of
The interests of ViMariel are
establish in the ZEDM
companies that have
potential for
respond to the request
of Cuba, first
place, for later
expand in America
Latina and the rest of the

In this kind of
the winnings are long
term, he said, but estim
that in the short period
and with the help of
ZEDM can accompany
investors to
study, develop
projects and inject
capital for power
settled in this region.

He explained that
moment they supported
meetings with
representatives of
companies from Belgium,
Spain and Portugal, but
the most important is with
A company from China
specialized in the
glbad production.

Up to now,
ViMariel is the first and
only company in the ZEDM
it shows the character
administrative, a
title that accords with
temporary character
for the management of a
public service, the
performing a job
public or operation
from a domain well
public, under terms and

In the ZEDM, they are
included two digits
to establish
business, the
dealer and the
user, whose difference
is that right?
the last is a business
it is established,
produce or supply

Although the
the dealer has a
foundation of character
public, a figure
private who is going
develop a function
which will correspond to

Jul. 24)

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