The Cuban actress Natalia Herrera has passed away


Cuban actress Natalia Agustina Herrera Diaz died Tuesday afternoon. One of the most outstanding Cuban actresses, triumphant star, actress of deep dramatic and visceral depth, has filled for years the cultural field and represented Cuba in Cuban touring abroad. the most authentic took

Daughter of René Herrera Dorticós and Trinidad Díaz Borrer. He was born on May 28, 1923 in the street Fábrica, district of Luyanó in Havana, Cuba; but then he went to live in Key West. He received the name of Natalia from an aunt who had the same name. She had five brothers, two of whom died and were raised by her grandmother, her mother and Aunt Natalia.

She never liked school and according to her own testimony she only attended because she was forced by her mother. From the age of seven, she escaped home to dance at Trillo Park, from where she often came back from the police, knew her and took her to her family. . Eventually, high school with the sixth year expires [1].

Since childhood her artistic talents are flourishing, her first performance is at age eight in a play [1] and at nine she sings and dances in the theater company Pedro Salvá. In 1937, Estrella Naciente was selected to the Supreme Court of Arts, an amateur program, directed by Germán Pinelli, who was featured as a singer. In an interview with Amaury Pérez Vidal in Cuban television program Con dos que se quieran, Natalia recounted how this first approach to professional art, with just fourteen years, generated strong contradictions within from his family:
I went to the Supreme Court, I was 14 years old, my mother was sewing one day in the living room, by hand, and my father comes and says:

– Hey, Chata , it was said that there was a girl in the Supreme Court who called us as our daughter, Natalia Herrera – My mother was sewing, she looked at him and said:

– We do not call her the same, she is your daughter.

And there, Troy burned. kill me.

– If my daughter leaves one, it will be thanks to you, Trinidad Díaz Borrel – She said her name and surname and all, and she said:

– From a school of nuns comes a rumba, that my daughter is going to be different, maybe you think she's somebody and that a great lady comes out and becomes a queen or princess, so calm down, Rene.
I went to the Supreme Court. "[1] Natalia Herrera: Interview Granted to Amaury Pérez Vidal

Contradictions with his father led him to marry Luis Alonso de León, a boy who visited his house while he was not there. was not yet 20. It was an arranged marriage so that Natalia could travel despite the opposition of her father, who was then head of the customs list and had declared that he was going by boat he threw it to the water and did not release it until
Professional career

Between 1938 and 1939 After a remarkable job at the Supreme Court of Arts, he made his professional debut on a radio show called Rincón Criollo (in which the government of the time was criticized) .He shared the cast with Carlos Badías, Vicente Morín, Sol Pinelli and Clavelito Between 1940 and 1941, Obdulio Morales was also hired to work in his theater troupe, distinguished among others in the musical Drums. She was the founder of the works of Radio Ciné. She also sang in 1942 with the Orquesta Hermanos Lebartadt. Between 1943 and 1944, the radio program Rincon Criollo continued at the radio station CMQ at El Alma de las Cosas.

She began working at the Cabaret Eden Conset. Between 1945 and 1946, he began singing on Radio Cadena Habana and CMQ. In 1948, he was part of the cast of the novel The Right to Be Born by Félix B. Caignet, broadcast by the CMQ. In 1949 he played on Union Radio in the show La Múcara, also on Las Mañanas Azules of RHC and La Carpet Magica. He worked with Joseíto Fernández, singing and acting on the La Guantanamera radio show, on Cadena Roja radio, by José A. Alonso.

He was invited to the activity Radio Festival of the newspaper El País, to the Antituberculous League of Pinar del Río, and the Marquesina of the Hotel Saratoga

In 1950, in Radio Cine, he acted for the subscribers of the newspaper El País. In 1951, he made the Radio Progreso Music Magazine, participating in the cigars Partagás, here he sings accompanied by the Nelo Sosa Colonial Ensemble.

He played in Radio Cine and the Victoria Theater. In 1952, he directed La Mulata with Garrido y Piñeiro as part of the Cascabeles Candado program, he worked on Nosotros los Cubanos, directed by Gaspar Arias, and sang on Radio Mambí. In 1953, he played in the program Vivimos in Campo Alegre of Radio Progreso. In 1954, Radio Centro was inaugurated and was called to work on the program Ron Pinilla, with Germán Pinelli and Cascaritas. Also in Cubod Vodevil and in Estampas Criollas, where he sang guajiras.

In 1955 he made the El Sol program with the accompaniment orchestra of Charles Rodríguez. In 1956, he continued to make La Mulata of La Tremenda Corte, of Garrido y Piñeiro in CMQ with Pototo, Filomeno and Mimí Cal, as well as Voces de Cuba and Nosotros los Cubanos. In 1958, he worked in the programs Our Artists of CMBF and Voices of Cuba. In 1961, he created Varieties of Radio Progreso; Taste and pace to 7. In 1965, he works with Asenneth Rodríguez and Reinaldo Miravalles in Casa de mi Vecino

In 1968, under the direction of Julio Lot, he began working in the Novelas Cubanas space. In 1970, he sang at Radio Rebelde and Radio Progreso, he continued to space Cuban novels.

In 1975, after the arrival of Columbus, the people of our America and what you think professor. In 1977, he played important roles on radio in the Novela Cubana space and other programs.

In 1980, he worked on radio programs Móvil 8, Sector 40 and Alegrías de sobremesa in the character of Carmita Carmona. In 1982, he continued his appearances on the radio with the transmission of El Cañaveral, Paco Alfonso, in the space Radio Teatro, as well as on radio programs such as Meridiano, Saturday Night and Gente de nuestra America. In 1983, he worked in Legal Information, Roman Cuban, Saturday Night, and A mala tiempo buena cara

In 1984, he worked in Radio Liberación with titles like Chronicle of a Death, Fuente de Triunfo, Calle Abajo, Case Archives, Women's History and Paradise Recovered, among others. In 1990, he worked daily on the recordings of many regular programs of Radio Liberación. In 1993, he directed two Radio Theater directed by Bernardo Menéndez and Mariana Ramírez Corría on Radio Liberación

In 1952, he debuted on television in the show Smoke of Remembrance, which retransmitted works of Bufo Theater, sponsored by cigars. H. Uppman. In 1953, he worked at the Midday Show, making La Escuelita, by Arturo Liendo, directed by Amaury Pérez García, as well as La Taberna de Pedro, Musical Parade and Smoke of Remembrance.

In 1954, he worked intensively on television in the programs: Cuba laughs with Cristal, with Adolfo Otero and Julito Díaz, La Taberna de Pedro, with Alvariño and Echegoyen, Milk of Magnesia, Alégrése Freska, Fiestas de Bacardi, Hit Carbine, as well as Rita and Willy, with Rita Montaner and Álvarez Guedes

In 1955, he worked on the TV show on TV channel 6 with Cholito, Manolo Alván and Julita la Mariposita, with the director of Amaury Pérez García and also played at the Teatro on TV with the play Santa Elena and in the program Cuba laughs with Cristal. It is a square table, both on the radio and on TV, and also on the program Garrido, Piñeiro and Natalia.

In 1956, he directed the program Juan Ramos and Domitila and the Thursday of Partagás. In 1957, he created Los Líos de Papa under the direction of Roberto Garriga, Frente on the Calle, Guateque de Apolonio and Telemando

In 1961, he worked on the programs Noche Cubana, Juntos a las 9, Teatro Cubano and in the # 39; Espacio Aventuras He directed Los Mambises directed by Vázquez Gallo

In 1962, he participated in the unforgettable show San Nicolás del Peladero with La Alcaldesa, Remigia's sister, who performed María de los Ángeles Santana, then wife of Cheo Malanga (Enrique Arredondo) and Mami Chula de Monteczuma

In Cachucha and Ramón it made Mariíta, among others characters. In 1964, she played the Guardian with Martha del Río in Cases and Household Items; He has also worked in the Front of the Street, and in Be Clear.

In 1965, he participated in the stars of Saturday Night and Behind the Facade, with Enrique Arredondo, Consuelo Vidal and Cepero Brito. In 1971, in Theater on TV, she played the role of Cuca in the play Santa Camila of Old Havana, with Carlos Gilí and Asenneth Rodríguez. He worked in the Horizontes space and in Palmas y Cañas, singing with Ramón Velóz and Coralia Fernández.

In 1973, he worked in the Cuentos space, under the direction of Gómez Reyes. In 1974, in the space Teatro ICR, she works on the work Madre, of a Puerto Rican author, under the artistic direction of Ana Lasalle, where she works with Josefina Enriquez and Antonia Valdes. . In 1976, at Teatro ICR, he worked on the play La Jaqueta with Carlos Montezuma and María de los Ángeles Santana. In 1977, he played at Teatro ICR in Vida y Muerte Severina. Between 1978 and 1979, he performed at the Teatro ICR Santa Camila of La Habana Vieja, in a special production as a salute to the World Youth Festival, with Asenneth Rodríguez and Adolfo Llauradó.

In 1980, he worked at the Teatro ICR Working Hospital with Ángel Toraño and at La Pergola de las Flores with Coralia Fernández. In 1982, he appeared in the casting of the ICR Theater Lila la Mariposa under the direction of Loly Buján. He participates in La Comedia del Domingo with Not So Fierce by Lucas Tarragó, as well as in other programs such as Nuestros hijos, Para bailar, and Si no fuera por mamá, comedy series written by Enrique Núñez Rodríguez

. In 1983, he was part of the troupe Theater La Rosa tattooed with Rosita Fornes, Luis Alberto Ramirez and Elvira Cervera among others. In 1984, he performed at the ICR's Méphistophélès Theater, directed by Roberto Garriga, After a Happy End, with Armando Bianchi, Roberto Garriga's Las Impuras, and Gracias for his visit with Joaquín M. Condall

More to work every week on the popular Behind the facade. In 1985, he continues to appear in Si it was not for Mama, with Martha del Río, Edwin Fernández and Litico among others. Also in the humorous Ajiaco space of Eduardo Rómulo, in the Sunday they are not counted of Lolina Cuadras, the comedy Coartada Perfect of the channel 6, All Stars and the Rebambaramba (also of the channel 6). In 1987, he appeared in several cast of the time of Así then the 6 TV comedy channel directed by Yaki Ortega. In 1988, El Cuento con La Novia appears in space and in the usual era of channel 6.

In 1994, he participates in the series Day and Night directed by Abel Ponce of channel 6 of Cuban television. In 1995, he participated in the programs Sabadazo, Contacto and La Noche, the latter directed by Ruddy Mora (son), all of channel 6 television.

acted in the documentary Divas por Amorde Adolfo Llauradó. In 1996, Humus made in vitro television channel 6. In 1997, the programs Jugando con la muerte and Sangre ajena, The men who loved Margot, El Médico with Enrique Almirante, El Hamillador and La Medicina have had in their distribution.

In 1998, he participated in a dramatized television series devoted to the achievements and tasks of the CDRs. In 1999, guest of the humorous program of the TV And you what you laugh? and in the detective series Day and Night: Owner of the Dawn. In 2000, he appeared on Day and Night: The Maja Desnuda by director Abel Ponce.

In 1952, he sang and danced in musicals of Blanquita and Martí theaters. In 1954, at the Teatro Mariel, he plays and sings with Pototo, Filomeno and Mimí Cal.

In 1955, she was hired by Guido Monteverde to do theater at the Cha Cha Chá Company. In 1957, he made his debut at Teatro Martí with the musical Las Follies Internacionales. In 1959, he worked at Teatro Martí in the musical show Roblan Show. In 1964, he worked with Alicia Rico in El Avejón Rey. In 1967, he played at Teatro ICR Los Apuros of a Fanatic and also at La Madre, Máximo Gorki with Ana Lasalle.

In 1972, Cecilia Valdes plays in the Mercedes Ayala with Margarita Diaz. In 1973, he participated in theatrical performances in La Liga Contra la Ceguera and in Cabaret Brisas del Caney, with Enrique Arredondo.

In 1981, at the Karl Marx Theater, he performed in the staging of Alejandro García's opera-son Échale Salsa (Virulo), with Carlos Monteczuma, Carlos Ruíz de la Tejera, Sara González and Erdwin Fernández among others.

In 1983, he worked in the show Lola a la bola, directed by José A. Rodríguez, with Carlos Monteczuma, Farah María and Alfredo Rodríguez, at the Karl Marx Theater. In 1984, he appeared in La Esclava against Arabic in the Karl Marx Theater, the musical of Virulo, with Carlos Ruiz, Tatica, Jorge Guerra, Ana Lidia Méndez, Carmen Ruiz and the own Virulo among others.

In 1986, starred in Amadeus' new Virulo El Bateus musical with the Karl Marx Theater's National Ensemble of Spectacles. In 1987, he participated in presentations of El Bateus of Amadeus at the Karl Marx Theater. Acts in the theatrical comedy Vedette for El Diablo at the Mella Theater. In 1995, he played in the show Qué ocho patas for a table with the humorous groups Cuchilla and Punto y coma, and Enriquito Arredondo, at the Teatro América

In 1965, he was called by the Institute Cuban ICAIC Art and Film Industry to work on the film Tulipa. In 1994, he appeared in the films Reina y Rey and Guantanamera by Tomás Gutierrez Alea, as well as in Maité (Cuban Spanish co-production).

In 1997, he appeared in the films Back to Cuba and Zafiros, Locura azul. In 1999, he played in short films produced at the San Antonio de los Baños International Film School. Involved in Cuban films The prophecies of Amanda by Pastor Vega and Tropicana, a paradise under the stars of Gerardo Chijona.

In 1947, she was hired to work at Cabaret Pensylvania, where she plays with The Numbers of the Country. In 1950, he worked with Maestro Ernesto Lecuona on Camagüey's shows Las procalles at the Teatro América, where he sang Zun-Zún.

He joined the cast of Cabaret Copacabana Camagüey. He toured Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and Puerto Rico. In 1952 she was hired to work on the cabaret show at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. When he arrived in town, he suffered discrimination due to the color of his skin. A member of the company denounced her for being a mulatto and was sent to the black district. When they settled in there there were protests since these did not want her because she was considered white. Finally they accepted it in the white area of ​​the city [1].

In 1953, she traveled to Venezuela to do theater, cabaret and radio. He sang in the program sponsored by Luky Stars. He continued to visit Colombia, Haiti, Curacao and Ecuador. He played in the shows of the Tosca Theater, the Palace of the Yesists, and in the Costa Azul Cabaret of Cienfuegos. In 1954 she was hired to work at the Cabaret Pasapoca Show and the Isora Club. In 1955 he was part of the cast for the opening show of Club Cabaret Rumayor in the town of Pinar del Río. She traveled to Peru, rented for radio and cabaret.

In 1956, she was hired to work with Carlos Pous at La Feria de la Paz in Santo Domingo. In addition, she has been invited to work in the Prensa Libre theater show and Cabaret El Bambú. In 1957, he went to the United States and performed at the Teatro Apolo, with Candita Quintana, Chino Wong and El Viejito Briguier in a buffo show; he also plays in Miami in the theaters Flaguer and Casini.

With Carlos Pous, he travels to Santo Domingo to work in the theater, cabaret, radio and television. Acts at Cabaret Rumba Palace with the musical Barco Platanero; she sings at the Teatro Alameda and at the Arcada del Hotel Sevilla, in musical moments, accompanied by Bebo Valdés and Eddy Gaytán.

She made cuts as an actress at Cine Revistas of Cine Leal. In 1958, she was hired to work at the Parisian Casino of the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, at the Sevilla Hotel, at the Alloy Cabaret Club and at the Intermenso Club. Participates in the Osvaldo Farré Show

In 1959, he plays in Cabarets Bambú, Autopista, Tropicana and Riviera music magazines, in which he sings with Ramón Calzadilla. In 1960, he traveled to San José, Costa Rica, with the new company of Carlos Pous and they continue their tour in Panama. Back in Cuba, he works at the San Antonio de Río Blanco high school in a musical show, he also joins the cast of Los Troncos Cabaret in Havana and participates in the shows of the Carrozas of La Habana and Santiago de Cuba, in the first socialist carnivals, which took place this year.

In 1966, participated in the Red Hall Salon of the Hotel Capri, at the Ranchón Club of the Island of Youth and at the Salon that prepared the ICR in San Antonio de les Bains. In 1969, she was called to work in the musical performances of Jagua and Internacional hotels in Varadero and Cabaret Costa Azul in Cienfuegos

In 1970, she was invited to work in the musical show Alegría y Juventud. In 1972, he sang in an activity of Fragua Martiana accompanied on the piano by the teachers Rodrigo Prats and David Rondón. In 1982, he usually performs in variety shows at the FAR Central House. In 1983, he performed in a show at the Festival of Humor in Santiago de Cuba. Participates in an Artistic Brigade led by Bernardo Menéndez with performances in Matanzas, Sancti Spíritus and in other provinces.

In 1984, with the Artistic Brigade directed by Eddy Vidal, he performed at Cercle Marcelo Salado, Melena del Sur Theater, Santa Cruz del Norte and Círculo Social de Caibarien. She performs as a singer in variety shows at the Melena del Sur Theater of Skoda's factory in Artemisa, at the Havana Mental Hospital. Incorporates another ICR Artistic Brigade and Eddy Vidal with performances in the FAR Universal Hall. Circuits for Matanzas, Holguín, Moa with The Esclava against the Arab

In 1987, he creates an Amateur Artistic Brigade with a didactic show on the Bufo Theater and its clbadic characters of black, mulatto and galician, with who He edited several works and appeared in dozens of places. It is presented at the V Festival of humor in San Antonio de los Baños. Presentation of Esclava against the Arabs in the universal hall of the FAR. With the ICR Artistic Brigade led by Eddy Vidal, he performs at Artemisa Cabaret and María Teresa Vera Theater in the same municipality.

In 1988, he toured Ethiopia with an ICR brigade. In 1989, he made a new artistic tour, this time in the south of the People's Republic of Angola with an artistic brigade of the ICR. In 1991, he made presentations in Cabarets with the Artistic Brigades of Maria Esther Monteluz and Eddy Vidal. In 1993, he performed at Cabaret de Jagüey Grande, singing in the Artistic Brigade directed by Bernardo Menéndez. In 1995, he participated in the 1st International Television Festival, at the Sala Avellaneda of the National Theater of Cuba. In 1996, he played in two ICR Artistic Brigades and in the Museum Peña of 13 and 70, Playa.

In 1999, he was a jury of the Aquelarre Festival of Aficonados. In 2000, she was invited by Edesio Alejandro to sing at a concert offered by the singer-songwriter of Casa de las Américas. In 2001, he played in a tribute to the Cuban baseball team.
Awards and Recognitions

In 1955, his work was recognized with the trophy El Guido which was given to the best foreign singer (shared in this occasion with Celia Cruz)

In 1992, he received the Distinction Majadahonda of UNEAC for his artistic contribution to the internationalist cause

In 2001, the National Research Center of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba. Artes Escénicas is a tribute to her long acting career. In the center of the Center, colleagues and friends of Natalia come to congratulate her and celebrate with her, one afternoon in March, during the celebrations of International Theater Day.

In 2003. The National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT) offer Natalia a tribute for his 80 years of life, with a party in the presence of important personalities of Cuban culture.

In 2004, she was honored as an emeritus artist of Cuban radio and television, a medium in which she continues to work very frequently, both in novels, TV movies and comedy programs, as well as in Cuban cinema.

In 2010, he receives the National Prize for humor
At the request of his relatives, his remains will be cremated. Fill all your family and friends with our deepest condolences and eternal memory

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