The Cuban-American Bar Association Denounces Discrimination in Travel Procedures in Cuba


The Cuban American Bar ( CABA for its acronym in English) published two open letters in which doubts are expressed about two trips to Cuba to be made in the following months and which are related to the world of on the right. The complaints are related to a series of additional conditions which are applied to lawyers residing in the United States, but who are of Cuban origin.

The two letters were written by Jorge L. Piedra -president of said entity- and are directed on the one hand to the International Law Section of Florida Bar Association and on the other hand to the legal education provider ( SimplyCLE ). Both institutions planned trips to the island, separately but with some coincidence in the methodology, in September and October of this year.

Jorge L. Piedra refers in his letter addressed to the International Law Section of the Bar Association to "Differential Treatment" that its members born in Cuba, who require the obtaining of 39, a special permit to visit the country.

Jorge L. Piedra (president of CABA) who advocates for non-discrimination lawyers resident in the United States but born in Cuba (Photo:

This requirement involves the payment of a fee additional fee and the obligation to provide personal information that is not required of lawyers who are not of Cuban origin. Cuban-American visitors are also required to provide a "Cuba reference", which includes the name and exact address of the person.

The material that promotes the event also points out that Cuban-born travelers must with Cuba Cultural Travel before submitting your deposit and registration form . "

And it states:" The rates badociated with special visas for travelers born in Cuba are not included.

Daily Business Review Piedra stated that the above constitutes "clear discrimination of the Florida Bar Association against its members born in Cuba … and is part of the plan of the Cuban government to discriminate people born in Cuba and who became an American citizen. "

The President of the Bar also expressed concern about how the tour was organized, [1] 9459005]" intercultural educational exchange " – which promotes one of the forms visa issued by the United States to go to Cuba – but Stone remembers such an obvious name "the human rights problems faced by Cubans on the island" [19659002] Unlike previous trips in which they could exchange with the dissident advocate René Gómez Manzano this excursion, organized under the label of "intercultural educational exchange", would not allow not to visitors to interview an opposition or a human rights defender in Cuba., meanwhile, raises several questions coinciding with each other on the promotional material of the entity for the seminar Cuba CLE, as well as questions on the legality of the trip, which will be held from 17 to 21 September.

The trip is presented as a "leave" and states that native-born lawyers should obtain a Cuban pbadport because the current law in Cuba does not recognize dual nationality.

rincipio addition that will not be changed in the new Constitution, because the project presented days ago alludes to the principle of "effective citizenship", according to which "Cuban citizens, on the national territory, are governed by this condition and can not use a foreign citizenship. "

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