The deadline for presenting evidence against Borge Angulo concludes


Eva Murillo / SIPSE
CANCUN, Quintana Roo.- The term granted by a federal judge to the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) to issue additional evidence against the applicant. former governor Roberto Borge Angulo, whom he accuses of money laundering.

The former state governor was extradited from Panama to Mexico on January 5, from that day to date, remains in a federal prison in Morelos after that. 39, a judge ordered detention on remand in case he fled.

In January, a few hours after arriving in Mexico after being detained for seven months in Panama waiting to be extradited, Borge Angulo was appointed by PGR attorneys as likely to be responsible for the crime of murder. operations with resources of illegal origin in the form of a co-author, with a loss of 900 million pesos

Roberto Borge, without conviction a year in prison [19659002] The National Code of Criminal Procedure provides that money laundering does not require informal detention during the proceedings, which may not be sufficient to keep the former prisoner Governor of Quintana Roo

The term for further investigation has expired, which is granted by a supervisory judge to the PGR Attorney, to complete the charge against the accused.

After this period, comes the intermediate stage in the criminal proceedings, which has for object the offer and the admission of the evidence as well as the purification of these for that the judge determines what he accepts.

After this review, the federal judge will summon a hearing to debate the proposals, to later determine the date and time of a subsequent hearing.

On January 4, Borge Angulo arrived in Mexico from Panama, where ] was arrested on June 5, 2017 while he was planning to go to Mexico. fly to Europe, once in his country, the former governor was transferred to the Federal Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center of Ayala

from 2011 to 2016, the authorities do not exclude that once the Federation has terminated its criminal prosecution against the former state governor, it will be transferred to the entity to deal with local justice.

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