The Dominican Republic will defend its fifth place in Veracruz 2014 in Barranquilla


Santo Domingo .- The Dominican Republic will participate in the Central American Games and Barranquilla Caribbean 2018 in order to maintain the fifth place achieved at the previous event, Veracruz 2014, and to Increase the 77 medals that he reached on this occasion

The Caribbean nation will send to the Colombian event 446 athletes, within a group of 600 people, the largest delegation who participated in this regional event, informed today the president of the Dominican Olympic Committee (COD) at a press conference. ), Luis Mejía, and the local Minister of Sports, Danilo Díaz.

Mejía Oviedo claimed that Dominican sport "has grown", which has determined the increase in the number of athletes who will come to the city, among which doctors, therapists and delegates are included .

"We can badure that in this delegation there is not a single person pretending to be a" sports tourist "", said the president of the COD, the one said that the Dominican athletes have achieved a "good preparation"; they will therefore "give everything" to win their competitions.

The chief did not want to predict the precise number of medals expected by the local delegation, "because in many disciplines you have to wait for the celebration of the technical congress, know against you who you will face."

In Veracruz , the Dominicans reached 20 gold, 33 silver and 23 bronze medals. He pointed out that 72 random anti-doping tests were conducted to ensure that Dominican athletes will "clean" the games.

"Any athlete who positive in these random tests, we left the plane, because our motto has the Minister Diaz Vizcaino said that the authorities had a budget of 160 million pesos (about $ 3.2 million) for the preparation of the delegation

what needs to be done to prepare our athletes for these games, it has been accomplished through a process of training and training for all national federations (…) we hope for better results, "said the official.

He said that the granting of a "special incentive" for each of the Dominican athletes who get medals in Barranquilla, "depending on the color of each medal."

Díaz announced Monday that the country's president, Danilo Medina, will receive the delegation at a ceremony at the National Palace. 19659002] The gymnast Audrys Nin Reyes, recently elected athlete of the year in the country, will be the flag-bearer of the Dominican Republic, which will participate in 31 sports, including the "3 × 3" basketball modality, which is being implemented for the first time in Central America. del Caribe

The games of Barranquilla will have as sub-offices the cities of Cali, where they will compete in cycling, modern pentathlon, rowing, bowling and canoeing. While in the Colombian capital of Bogota, equestrian competitions will be developed. Cuba, Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela surpbaded, in that order, the Dominican Republic at the Mexican meeting four years ago.

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