The draft capitulation and opposition begins to be discussed and rejected the speech of Adstori


The Minister of Economy, Danilo Astori, spoke this morning in Parliament about the hardening of "international financial conditions". He made it at the beginning of his presentation of the main points of the Accountability Project, before the integration of the members of the Budget Committee into the Treasury of the Chamber of Deputies.

The meeting began punctually at 9 am this morning. extended to noon, but some deputies of the position have told the press their disagreement with those forwarded by the government economic team: next to Minister Astori was accompanied by the under-secretary of the economy, Pablo Ferreri, the director of the Office of Planning and Budget, Álvaro García and the coordinator of financial inclusion, Martín Vallcorba.

The Liability Proposal has been questioned by the Opposition, mainly because the text provides for a budget increase of $ 4,807 million for 2019 (approximately $ 153 million). current values) and $ 5,107 million for 2020 (approximately $ 162 million). The critics point out, by and large, the increase in the budget deficit and the capping of debt.

"The astori minister acknowledges the increase in the external debt, the budget deficit and the fall of economic activity in the strategic sectors of the country, but without prejudice to that he announces an increase of more than $ 3 billion and badociates this Increase with funding that is quite risky, such as the gains that there may be in the Brou, "said Gustavo Penadés, representative of the National Party.

Red deputy Conrado Rodriguez also left unsatisfied with the session. He defined the government project as an "electoral responsibility" because Astori "knows that he should not increase spending", but this same decision was taken "to accompany the trainee of Frente Amplio".

On the exposure of "uncertainty" of the international economic system, Rodríguez pointed out that precisely because of this "uncertainty", the increase in the fiscal deficit should be contained in 4% currently, when the government planned to cut it by 2.5%. the end of his term as well as controlling the increase in expenses. "The opposite is happening: spending is increasing, with income projections that we do not know if they are going to be met." The projections that the government has made previously have not been fulfilled, "he said Independent Party, said his political group, among other proposals, asked to include a solution for some workers, especially teachers and teachers, who due to multiemployment today have debts with the Directorate General of Taxes in their contributions to the IRPF.The time limit is five tranches, and sometimes this involves a very significant portion of the salary, we have proposed that the Minister badyzes the possibility of extending this stroke to 10 months, "he said.

of the popular participation movement. of this sector – the majority of the Frente Amplio -, Alejandro Sánchez met with the press.He argued that the draft budget has "a very serious seriousness," which aims to achieve "the balance budget and create conditions for the increase of rights in Uruguay ", such as the development of" public policies ".

In this sense, he said that Uruguayan citizens "live much better" than the Argentinian and Brazilian neighbors, and pointed out critics of the opposition.

"It is difficult to have a discussion when the opposition tells us not to agree with the increase in spending, but on the other hand, he agrees to improve the situation of housing, housing education and competitiveness in the country, "he said. "A few days ago, Colorado Senator Pedro Bordaberry told El Observador that the failure of the ruling party's election promise was to bring the budget deficit back to 2.5 percent of GDP by the end of the period.And as this finance law will end up being 4.5%, which is the result of the irresponsibility with which the fiscal deficit was handled by (the Minister of the ia, Danilo) Astori, "he added.

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Senator and leader of the Independent Party, Pablo Mieres, said after reading the article that "the government insists once again on the increase in spending, which will be paid with an increase in debt, and this is a path that is worrying at this point". "We give a boost by trying to respond to requests when it is clear that these requests have no chance of being answered at the present time," said the senator.

Despite criticism, Astori defended the Executive Power policy definition to increase spending on the upcoming Accountability Act and rejected that the Uruguayan economy is weak as diagnosed by the academic director of Ceres Ernesto Talvi.

"I am absolutely sure that the greatest effort is being made in relative terms With regard to GDP, the biggest increase we expect in this responsibility, which must be very cautious, is for education, and by far, "said Astori at the end of a dissertation organized by Somos Uruguay a few days ago. 19659019]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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