The draft Constitutional Reform of Cuba is analyzed


The VII Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) badyzed the draft Constitution, which introduces important reforms to Magna Carta.

At the two-day meeting, chaired by the First Secretary of the Central Committee Raúl Castro explained that although the text presented contains important modifications to the fundamental law of the island, it will maintain the basic precepts of the socialism as a political and social system.

Without giving details of the proposal, the note adds that At the end of the debate, Raul Castro, who chairs the temporary committee drafting the draft of the new Magna Carta, emphasized the political importance of the process. In progress.

This working group is composed, among others, of the president of the island, Miguel Díaz-Canel, and the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, José Ramón Machado Ventura.

The Cuban leader emphasized in the National Assembly the importance of the work accomplished since last month by the 33 members of the commission, considering that the Constitution, in force since 1976, responds to the historical circumstances that have changed over time.

On this occasion, he insisted that the statements of the Carta Maga will take into account the principles of humanist and social justice prevailing in the greater Caribbean, as well as the irreversibility of the socialist system adopted by the people in 2002, in the last reform.

The draft that is approved by the deputies will be submitted to the popular consultation and later to the referendum, after being badyzed at the National Assembly of People's Power, convened for the 21st of this month.

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