The revival of operations of the Camagüeycito rice drier brings peace of mind to cereal producers in the province of Las Tunas, a region that is showing sustained growth of this traditional food, included in programs to import rice. Substitute products.
Roque Luis Ramos Fuentes, director of the Camagüeycito Rice Industry and Marketing business unit, recalls that in 2012 the official transfer of this facility was made to the agro-industrial company of Las Tunas Grains He belonged to his counterpart José Manuel Capote, from Granma province.
Explains that despite its precarious technical condition, the dryer was active until 2014, when it was decided to cripple its machinery to subject it to a capital repair, planned in the country's rice program investments.
Review that the rehabilitation has reached coverage, silos, conveyors, electrical system, cleaning machines, engines, burners, building a laboratory in the industry …, almost all key areas and the mechanisms received actions.
Duke says that the work of continuous improvement because they are immersed in the badembly of two new silos with the ability to store a thousand tons each and a numerical scale of 80 tons.
And in the early days of this month of July he began to process the harvested paddy rice with a capacity of 115 tons per day and the possibility of providing services to the entities of the Granma territory, because of its proximity to l & # 39; establishment.
In these large expanses is the Credit and Services Cooperative Juan Evangelista Espinosa, which produces 80% of the total rice that Las Tunas contributes to consumption, and on whose lands are planted 1,100 hectares. this grain, and the work is done to complete the two thousand in the present year with estimated yields of 4.5 tons per hectare.
The vast majority of these productions have received these benefits in the entities of the Agroindustrial Grain Company José Manuel Capote, of Granma, for which there are many who are now in areas closer to the production areas, because it reduces the costs and the consumption of energy carriers.
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