The Earth will move tomorrow more slowly


The planet Earth will be at its farthest point from the Sun, in its orbit around the star, tomorrow Friday. That day, the Earth will cross what is called aphelion, a word of Greek origin that means "far from the Sun."

In this regard, the professor of astronomy of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), Adam Artola, explained that "Friday we will find ourselves at the farthest point of the sun."

"This will happen this July 6, at 10:00 am, but there is no need to worry, it's a natural orbital phenomenon that will not affect nothing, but it's a scientific event in which you can check the theory of German Johannes Kepler, who tells us that the Earth's orbit is an ellipse, "Artola said.

He added that this phenomenon is that the Earth slows down by the distance it takes from the Sun, which is known as aphelion, since parhelion is the opposite: that the Earth approaches the Sun and increases its speed again

. Sol is about 147 million It is about 152 million kilometers from the Sun and moves more slowly at 7,000 km / h. The distance varies because the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is not a perfect but elliptical circumference.

The astronomy expert has developed that the Earth is in this gear shift throughout the year.

Artola informed that the days are now 13 hours of clarity; the night lasts 11 hours, because the summer season started in the northern hemisphere from June 21st and the day starts at 5:25 am and ends at 6:30 pm in the afternoon. For this reason, these days are approaching 7:00 pm and still the sun's glare.

"That means it's getting darker later and getting up earlier, that is, we have 13 hours of clarity and it will last until September 21st, when will it start? the autumn equinox, "he said.

It is the seasons of the year that make the days longer or shorter.

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