In its latest study on the subject, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said that global investments in the sector totaled 1.8 trillion (million million dollars) over from the previous year, for a decrease of two The World Energy Investment 2018 report indicates that more than 750 billion euros were allocated to the electrical business, while 715 billion were used for the Oil and gas supply, reported Wednesday the digital site. Energy Newspaper
According to the badysis, state-supported work accounts for a large share of international energy investment, increasing by about 40 percentage points over the past five years.
Expenditures for energy efficiency, he said, are particularly related to government policy, often through energy efficiency standards. [19659002Cependantaprèsplusieursannéesdehausselesinvestissementsmondiauxcombinésdansl'énergierenouvelableetl'efficacitéénergétiqueontdiminuédetroispourcenten2017etilyaunrisquequ'ellediminueencorepluscetteannéeaavertilerapportdel'IEA
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