The enemy of humanity is interventionism, warns Evo | news


"The worst enemy of humanity, of freedom, of identity, are the interventions," expressed the President of Bolivia Evo Morales, during his speech at the celebration of the 209th anniversary of the revolution of July 16th .

From the house of Pedro Domingo Murillo, Morales said that, as before, more than 200 years ago, the people of Latin America faced the l? European invasion "at that time there are other forms of invasion or of interventionism history repeats itself".

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The Bolivian leader urged participants to know how to identify the instruments of US imperialism against White House interference policies. "While the coups d'etat are over, military dictatorships are now another form of impositions, interventions around the world," he says.

In his well-known aggression policy, Trump describes the EU, Russia and China as "enemies" of their eagerness for commercial and political hegemony. The real enemy of the world is Trump for his irrational, cruel and inhuman capitalism and his interventionism of coup d'etat against sovereign countries

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) July 16, 2018

In the Morales activity noted that on several occasions United States has not stopped his desire to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations taking the example of the constant attack to intervene militarily in Venezuela and generate a coup d & # 39; State in the Bolivarian country.

"It will always be the policy of the United States: intervention under any pretext, under accusations of communists, reds, drug dealers, terrorists or authoritarian dictatorships as they call us today. But their geopolitical interest is clear, "said Morales. Bilateral relations

Year after year, all national and regional authorities meet at Casa de Murillo, La Paz, and read the Proclamation of the Council of Tuitiva which 1809 against the Spanish Crown.

For this Monday, which is a holiday in La Paz, several activities are planned such as the delivery of floral offerings on the main square, an interfaith ceremony followed by the Te Deum in the Metropolitan Cathedral, in addition to the City Council's honor session, reviews the local media.

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