The Essential Books of Ernest Hemingway


Fiesta (1926). In this work, Hemingway expresses the anguish of the generation that emerged after the First World War better known as the "Lost Generation".

This is a group of friends – where the protagonist Jake Barnes is badually disabled because of an attack that he suffered in the war – they are in France and travel to Spain to Sanfermines.

Goodbye to the Arms (1929). It's the story of the love of a soldier named Frederick Henry with a nurse named Catherine Barkley. Inspired by Hemingway's experiences, Goodbye to Arms is already a clbadic of universal literature and one of the best portraits of the human will.

Greens Hill of Africa (1935). A masterpiece of the report where the Nobel Prize for Literature Ernest Hemingway tells of a month-December 1933- stay in Africa, devoted to one of his major pbadions: the big game. The African light, the feverish landscape, the excitement and the tension that the hunting produces become for Hemingway reflections that go far beyond the safari and the simple tourist narration

Paris was a festival (1964) This book was published posthumously, in 1964, and deals with his memories lived in Paris, with his first wife Hadley Richardson.

In the book, you can read the adventures and misadventures of young Hemingway in a distant continent. This shows us once again, to the lost generation, with all the consequences of "surviving" the First World War. He mentions characters such as Scott Fitzgerald or Gertrude Stein which confirms that they were his main influence at the time of writing.

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