The EU accuses Russia of trying to distance Turkey from NATO


United States Accuse Russia to be "trying" that Turkey and other "numerous allies" of Washington distanced themselves from North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO) with the aim of destabilizing "the strongest alliance in history"

I certainly believe that Russia is trying to make Turkey turn on us; they do it with a lot of our allies. They want to destabilize the strongest alliance in history, which is NATO, " the US ambbadador said in an interview with the Fox network. The Atlantic Alliance, Kay Bailey Hutchison

In any case, Hutchinson was skeptical of the possible success of this Kremlin maneuver since, according to him, Ankara helped Washington "for a long time."

We know that Russia is trying to obtain it, but we also know that (the Turks) are strong, "said the US representative, who More Later, he added Twitte that NATO "is united" and that Moscow's attempts to outrun its partners "will not work".

These statements occur a few days after the president of USA, Donald Trump, embarks on a European tour on Tuesday with the aim of participating in the summit of Atlantic Alliance in Brussels , to be held Wednesday and Thursday, which will end with a visit to Helsinki, where he will meet the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin

It is expected that Trump insists on the need for members of NATO increases his departure to the Defense, as he has done for months.

In this sense, Hutchinson praised that the efforts of the White House "led Canada and the European allies" to make the greatest increase in their contribution to NATO "since the time of the Cold War ."

Stoltenberg calls for showing unity to Russia and offers dialogue in Moscow

The Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg stressed the need to show "strength and unity" before Russia, while betting on improving relations with Moscow avoid "a new cold war" and an arms race, in an interview published by "Bild."

We must send to Russia a message of strength and unity, which we are ready to defend ourselves. At the same time, we are ready to talk. We do not want a new cold war or an arms race. We aspire to a better relationship with Russia and at the same time we are ready to face a difficult relationship, "he said.

About the declaration made in the 1950s by the first secretary general of the NATO Lord Hasting
Ismay, that the purpose of the Alliance is "to have the United States in, Russia out and Germany to "down," Stoltenberg pointed out that
"that today is naturally no longer valid"

Today, the goal is that we all continue to NATO . "

In the run-up to the Alliance summit next week in Brussels, Stoltenberg said that He expected that the heads of state and
Government of NATO "to continue to strengthen the trans relationships Atlantic. "

In this sense, he also made reference to the US President, Donald Trump whom he said he "has badured more than once that". he is a defender of NATO ", while referring to something even more important, the" facts ", which" say more than words, "he added. He recalled that since Trump badumed the presidency, United States increased funding for its military presence in Europe by 40
%, and that it There are more troops and more investments in maneuvers and equipment never before.

United States He does not reduce his military presence in Europe, but strengthens it. We live in a period of uncertainty and it is more important than ever that we have strong institutions like the UN the EU and, of course, the NATO . "

Respect for commercial disputes over the imposition of tariffs by Washington and the release of the nuclear agreement with Iran, Stoltenberg said that it was Was "first differences of opinion", but recalled that "transatlantic relations are not they are only one element, but many. "

Some have been weakened, for example in trade, climate or deal with Iran.This makes
important to strengthen other elements such as defense. On the other hand, he welcomed Germany's commitment to progressively reach the goal of allocating 2%
of GDP to defense spending by 2024

But "1.5% is not 2%," he warned, adding that he expects Germany to do "even more "in this regard.

You may also read: Trump sent letters to NATO allies complaining about their contributions

With information from EFE

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